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Solid state amps vs tube amps

Started by aballen, May 28, 2013, 04:06:46 PM

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Are tubes more sensitive than solid state amps?

I recently went from a line-6 spider to an egnater amp, and I'm noticing it seems much more sensitive.  Here are a few examples.

My Kingslayer seems to boost my amp even at low volume.  I made one for a friend and he had a similar problem, but when he plugged it in to his eleven rack, no issue, on my line-6 amp, I did not see so much boost either. 

Also, my phase 90, seems to have some ticking now, I'm sure its the LFO, and I'll debug it, but it definitely was not noticeable on my line-6

Finally, my aqua puss has a small whine when the delay is turned past 12'o clock.  Its clock noise, again, I just did not hear it before. I'll have to re-bias it.

I'm going to fix all this, but I'm curious is there is some kind of attenuation on solid state amps that does not exist on tube amps that would explain all this?


You've opened up a whole can of worms here mate..... The only thing I'm going to say about this is that most people don't go back once they've bought a tube amp, and that some sounds can only be had with a solid state (the old school Metallica clean sound, for instance. You cannot get that without a Roland JC120). Now, lets see how this discussion developes.......

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As the Dutchman says, a whole can of worms indeed.
Some of my favourite guitarists use solid state amps but the main thing I love about tube amps is the way you can push them with a boost or overdrive. The way your tone fattens without necessarily getting dirtier.
It seems to me that tube amps are not only more dynamic but they let me get more out of my pedals.
Over to you...

Edit: Similar to you, I notice a bit of clock noise on my Zero Point Micro through my little Marshall then through a software amp sim.


Sensitive? Maybe.

But the trade off is... they just sound better.

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It is definitely a lot more dynamic.  But I'm curious if there is something on solid state that attenuates the input differently.  could that be why I'm hearing things I did not hear before?

I dont think this is a bad thing.  I want to understand a little more though.


Are you running the the modulation pedals through the effects loop on the egnater? If not, try that.

Tubes may also contribute to residual noises you are hearing from effects. Not sure what you are running in the egnater but if you bought used often a new set of matched power tubes and a correct bias is a good idea.


Yeah, they are more 'sensitive', but the kind of sensitivity you are talking about all depending on hwat valve you have in the V1 input valve. For example, my Dr came with the stock 'modern' valves, and used to break up quite easily, but i bought a '62 british mullard, and it is soo clean now!

you can completely change the sound of a valve amp by changing valves, welcome to your next obsession ;)

unfortunately the 'tone search' never ends!

The thing i love about valve amps is the 'touch sensitivity' it's so much more than a soiid state!

good luck!

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Tube amps rock.  I also have an Egnater Renegade (among other Marshalls and Fenders) and it absolutely LOVES the Klon/Sunking/Kingslayer in front.  I put the gain on the amp slightly low (around 12 or so) and then push the front end with one of the above pedals.  Run the volume on the pedal hot and the gain low.  Its really how these pedals were meant to be used...with a tube amp of course!

And as previously mentioned, do try running modulation and time based effects (reverb, delay, etc) in the effects loop.  This takes them out of the equation when you are creating the gain stage with the amp and pedals and sounds better (to my ears) than being in front.

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sounds like I need more cables.  I need to redo my pedalboard anyway.


Cable?  Just order some Mogami W2524 cable by the foot and some Neutrik 1/4" Jacks (NP2X-B or NP2RX-B) and you will be in business.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


you know a source where I can get that cheap?  Mogami cable is expensive.