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Started by jtn191, May 21, 2013, 05:01:35 PM

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Hey guys, been a while since I've posted around here...been pretty swamped after graduating college and interning/working. Anyways, after a weird incident I suddenly got inspired to look into moving away from my small town in NC and over to Australia! I've never actually been there but an old veteran told me it was the one place he'd rather live than the US. I know there's at least a small group of members who live there...So Aussies, what do you think of your country? People who've been there?

My major was in recording/production. I love it and feel like I got a great education; Anybody have friends in recording studios/theaters/auditoriums or electronics in the area? Am I crazy?


I have a friend of mine that emigrated out there, he sent this photograph, which I then edited and returned thusly:

Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


lol yeah, one of my friends said "Australia: where everything, living and non-living, wants you dead"


Quote from: jtn191 on May 21, 2013, 05:08:23 PM
lol yeah, one of my friends said "Australia: where everything, living and non-living, wants you dead"

Yep, the whole continent wants to kill you. Personally I acknowledged that message and have no interest in going there. New Zealand looks interesting however and I'm pretty sure that other than the odd insect the size of a light aircraft, none of them are venomous. That and any country that produced both Burt Munro and Bad Taste has to be cool.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


LOL @ Juan's picture!! I've spent 6 weeks there with my then-girlfriend-now-wife, best holiday ever! But when you come from Holland, everything else is special.... It was a trip never to forget, but two things stand out: first, sitting at a posh beach club in Noosa and seeing dolphins in the ocean. We both totally freaked out, and some Aussie said: Relax, it's only a dolphin! Esther (now my wife) replied: We're Dutch, we only have herring! Laughed my ass off!!! Second was taking a flight from Sydney to Alice Springs, four and a half hours!!! In europe, you'd have crossed at least 4 countries by then! When we touched down in Alice Springs, I was at least 1500 km away from the sea/ocean on all 4 sides, quite a trip...... Much more to share, but I think you know what I'm getting at: I want to go back!!!!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


My mental picture of Any Town In Australia is Coober Pedy. Plus Pratchett's description of it's counterpart, 'XXXX (Terra Incognita)'.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
My website


uh... Canada is a pretty great place to live. We only have Polar Bears and Wolves. And Moose and Beaver, though death by Beaver is pretty rare.

I have a very good friend who's from Perth. He likes Canada better, except that he still has family back in Australia. You need to go find and watch a movie called "The Castle" - cult classic there. You'll learn a lot about Australian culture, if only because you won't understand why they love that movie so much.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I lived in Australia for a year many years ago (O.K. decades ago). It was an amazing experience. Assuming you aren't planning on living in Coober Pedy, much would depend on where you wanted to try to live there. I'd assume that in recording/production you'd most likely end up in Sydney or Melbourne. They are big -- nothing small town about them really. So, you'd have to want that experience too. For me, it was a life altering experience and absolutely something I'd do again.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Quote from: jkokura on May 21, 2013, 06:32:11 PM
And Moose and Beaver, though death by Beaver is pretty rare.

So is death by stingray..... Only in Australia!!  ;)
"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Quote from: RobA on May 21, 2013, 07:38:34 PM
I lived in Australia for a year many years ago (O.K. decades ago). It was an amazing experience. Assuming you aren't planning on living in Coober Pedy, much would depend on where you wanted to try to live there. I'd assume that in recording/production you'd most likely end up in Sydney or Melbourne. They are big -- nothing small town about them really. So, you'd have to want that experience too. For me, it was a life altering experience and absolutely something I'd do again.

Thanks for the input! Life altering and bigger cities is what I'm looking for
I saw a long-shot opening for Studio Coordinator at Studios 301 in Sydney and sent my resume!


Quote from: jkokura on May 21, 2013, 06:32:11 PM
...death by Beaver is pretty rare.

But what a way to go!   :) ;D


Hahaha, i was waiting for a beaver remark. It's the middle of winter over here in Oz, it's a cool day today in Brisbane, 20 degrees, celsius that is, tshirt and shorts;). Could still swim at the beach, if u wanted to. No tornados, tsunamis, earthquakes, blizzards, suicide bombers(so far), little gang violence etc etc. What we do have is, beautiful beaches, mountains, reefs, parks, great restaurants, cold beer, hot chicks and free health care. Ok, there are a few things that may kill you (harden up Juansolo ;)) but it keeps life interesting and you have to be unlucky.
Come on over mate, the weathers fine, all the best, Matt.


Useless (or possibly useful) piece of information. Apparently there is only one U.S. city (New York City) with a greater population than either of Australia's two largest cities (Sydney and Melbourne). Crazy I know.

As far as living is concerned, I was born and raised in Newcastle (upon Hunter), and have lived in Sydney, Wollongong, and now Geelong. Yet to live in Melbourne but Geelong is only an hour away.

My preference is definately for Melbourne. Better music scene, public transport is really good, and is an overall more livable city. I'd also guess that there'd be more opportunities in recording/production. I find Sydney to be a bit of a drag personally, used to be fun, but things have gone down hill over the last half decade or so. You could also consider Brisbane, can't really give much personal opinion though.


My Sister and her family moved over to Perth last year (along with god knows how many other young UK proffesionals). We all miss them but I can understand their reasons (work predominantly).

I have yet been out to see her, but I am looking forward to it.

The one thing my Mum and Dad have noticed after visiting a few times is that is it is incredibly expensive.

I don't know if it is just Perth, but they say everything is pretty much twice as expensive (in £) as it would be in UK.

The weather sure does appeal though!



i'm new to the forum. I'm from Melbourne which is in the SE of Australia. Melbourne's a great city - great food and beer, good music scene (although it's in decline a bit), mad sports followers, and good public transport. We aren't all like "Crocodile Dundee". I lived in Belfast for three years and had great fun telling people there how dangerous my life was  ;D

