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Novice cap question...

Started by idgit, May 20, 2013, 09:35:28 PM

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I started building pedals with BYOC kits.  those boards are marked with polarity for diodes and caps.  I've got a pile of madbean pcb's and soon some boards from some fine folks here in this forum. 

While putting together my parts lists I notice that the caps' polarity is not specified on the pcb's  The diodes usually are, at least in the layout.  How does one know which way to orient that caps, and diodes in the cases where they are  not specified...?

LED's too I suppose. 

Is there a standard for most boards, like follow the direction the text is written in, match with cap?

Thanks much for your time


They should be noted, at least in the build docs. Also positive lead goes to the square pad. Note that film and ceramic caps arent polarized, so they can go either way.

Is there a board in general you are asking about? All the projects ive seen here, have had the polarities marked, so im a bit confused.


Well, like byoc boards, the film caps don't have polarity, just the electros and the polarity is marked usually with a line on one side of the circle. The leds usually have a picture of the led more or less and one side is flat.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I guess that was my misunderstanding, I thought all caps had polarity.  Now it makes sense

Thank you for that


I just have to say, the guys on the forum are awesome!  A couple months ago, I knew squat.  Now, thanks to them, I actually know the answers to a lot of these questions.  Still much to learn though.