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Mammoth Problems

Started by playpunk, May 15, 2013, 03:16:53 PM

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I've ordered some bare boxes and other stuff from them on the black friday sale they had some months ago, and some of the enclosures had a little gap between the box and the lid but everything arrived as i ordered. it took a month, but for Europe it's normal because of customs, etc.. And when i email them they were always fast to reply, and with discount on the boxes and free shipping, i can't complain at all. So, i hope you get your situation sorted out and they get back to their clients.


Mammoth is a face for 4site it seems. I don't know specifically the relationship, but much of their stock comes straight from 4site. Basically, it appears to me that 4site is the commercial end (supplying in quantity) while Mammoth seems to be a retailer (supplying to individuals).

As for enclosures - I think the root problem is on the back end, not at the Mammoth end. The supplies from 4site might be the issue.

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Quote from: Comfort Player on May 16, 2013, 05:51:20 PM
Quote from: TNblueshawk on May 16, 2013, 04:56:26 PM
I'm sad to hear all this. I say that as Blake jumped onto BYOC when he first started up and always asked our opinion etc... He always wanted to do right but it seems to an issue with these enclosures for him.

The part that I'm sad about is the lack of response to emails etc... No excuse there I'm afraid.

Oh well.

I think Blake has moved more into the graphic side of the business.  My latest dealing have been with Isaac.

Here is a quote I got from him about a month ago

"I am the new manager here at Mammoth. Blake is still here, he's just doing more of the web design/graphic arts side of the business, which is what he really like doing."

Contact info


Isaac Nelson
General Manager
Mammoth Electronics
3203 Broce Dr.
Suite B
Norman, OK 73072

I didn't know that Ken. Well, Issac needs to pick it up then. The worst thing a company can do, IMO, is to not communicate when an unhappy consumer contacts them. The empty feeling one is left with, or at least me, lasts a long time.

This also explains why I have not seen Blake post at BYOC in quite a long time.


I really get most of my stuff from them, some rare parts off ebay or from smallbear.  I paint my own enclosures and had one really bad transaction with PPP so I don't like to use them.  My last few Mammoth orders have all had little issues, like getting a bag of fifteen 1nf caps instead of 10nf, no screws with some enclosures, and getting a DOA TC1044SCPA.  Also I regularly pay $14.40 for shipping and everything comes in a small flat rate box that costs $5.75 to ship.  I understand a handling markup, but it seems steep.  They also stopped carrying the plated brass 5mm LED bezels that I use regularly.  I sent some emails about the errors/bezels/shipping rate schedule to Blake and Isaac and haven't heard back from either yet.  Though Mammoth continues to be a convenient and affordable one-stop-shop for most things it still has some significant issues to deal with.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has had issues. I did get an email from them, and responded to it, and I will update the thread when it is worked out.
"my legend grows" - playpunk


All I can say is Josh runs a very good tight buisness. Recently it seems as if he either has a lot of new people, or has to weed out a bad apple or two. Send him a mail he always replys and makes things right.
I usually give a six month rule. Strike three in a six month period and im done. Anything else i just blame on human error
I mod cheap guitars because my local music store said not to.


Hello All,
I apologize for the issues some of you have had with our customer service/ products. We had some issues with our powder coating equipment that was hurting us but that has since been upgraded so going forward, that quality should be much improved. On the customer service side, we try and answer every email in a timely fashion and get people taken care of as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, some days we aren't able to respond to everyone but everyone will get a response. If anyone has any issues with an order or any questions for us at all, please email us at or and we will get back to you. We don't want anyone to have a bad experience with us and we will do what we can as fast as we can to make things right. Again, i apologize for any slow communication or bad orders. Please contact us so we can get you taken care of.
Than you
Isaac or


I got a reply from Isaac today, missing/wrong parts are on their way.  Out of all the places, I would like to keep using Mammoth the most regularly because they have what I need at prices I like.  If there are hiccups that get dealt with in a timely manner that is okay.  If I get busy enough to justify buying 10+ enclosures at a time maybe I'd move up the chain to 4site, not there yet.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


Quote from: timbo_93631 on May 16, 2013, 07:18:12 PM
I really get most of my stuff from them, some rare parts off ebay or from smallbear.  I paint my own enclosures and had one really bad transaction with PPP so I don't like to use them.  My last few Mammoth orders have all had little issues, like getting a bag of fifteen 1nf caps instead of 10nf, no screws with some enclosures, and getting a DOA TC1044SCPA.  Also I regularly pay $14.40 for shipping and everything comes in a small flat rate box that costs $5.75 to ship.  I understand a handling markup, but it seems steep.  They also stopped carrying the plated brass 5mm LED bezels that I use regularly.  I sent some emails about the errors/bezels/shipping rate schedule to Blake and Isaac and haven't heard back from either yet.  Though Mammoth continues to be a convenient and affordable one-stop-shop for most things it still has some significant issues to deal with.

I have never had any parts supplier I use not refund for shipping charges that were over calculated. Coupled with a regular inability to fulfill orders, I can't believe that you continue to use them.

I generally try to stay out of the mammoth threads, which are almost universally negative feedback, but it's absurd what people put up with from this company and I can't believe they manage to stay in business and keep so many loyal "fans". Plenty of suppliers get something wrong in an order all the time, but they fix it right away, answer emails within a day, and charge actual shipping.

So that's my one post I'm ever likely to make about Mammoth.

I feel kind of bad for Blake, but one nice guy can't save a company with issues like this.


Agree with Jon,

To many issues with them, I pretty much gave up.

It is not ok for a company to keep putting out fires and apologizing for continuous mistakes, even if they "make it right" every time

This can all be greatly improved if effort was put into some quality control.


Yeah, I pretty much gave up as well.  In the end , it was just too much hassle and delay, even though they always made it right.  

The shipping charge thing is a bit different as they also tend to be higher with Small Bear and Pedal Parts Plus.  In fact, Small Bear is very open about the fact that the shipping charge also includes some extra to cover the cost of running the business.  I would prefer if they would put the necessary margins into the parts instead of adding it on the back end with shipping, but at least they are honest about it.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


I agree with what you guys are saying about their faults, and it would be good to see the shipping issue addressed.  Here is Isaac's explanation,
Quote"On the shipping, we don't offer small or medium flat rate shipping options, we only offer large flat rate or regular priority mail. If we can get everything in a small or medium flat rate priority box though, that's how we will send it. We don't offer the small flat rate or medium boxes because what happens is regardless of what people buy (say 10 1032L enclosures), they seem to always pick the cheapest shipping (normally the small flat rate box) and of course their 10 enclosures won't fit. But because we offered that shipping option, they feel that it is up to us to swallow the extra shipping cost and of course we feel otherwise. So this led to many shipping troubles and customer service issues so what we came up with is we will only offer regular priority or large flat rate shipping. This does add extra cost to smaller orders, but we also still end up paying extra on our end when customers order things that won't fit in our large flat rate boxes. Our website gives us certain parameters we can set on shipping but nothing that would help in this area. There really isn't a good solution to this problem, but this is what we came up with that seemed, for the most part, to work. I hope that answers your questions. "
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


My last three orders with mammoth have been painful. Stupid mistakes really. Smd parts, missing parts, wrong values. Theyw really need to do a peer check of sone sort.


Well I'll go on record and say I've never had issues with mammoth.  Shipping has always been timely, and I've never had a screwed up order.  Granted I don't by crap loads of parts like some but I've been satisfied.  Truth be told I've been way more frustrated with mouser than anybody else.


Well,my black friday order took about 3 weeks and all I got was sorry,so...there's that. I still order from them, but just jacks and stomps.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.