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Seven and two.....

Started by GrindCustoms, May 13, 2013, 06:19:11 PM

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Quote from: pickdropper on May 14, 2013, 12:54:51 AM
The clean boost looks sharp too, but more in a "cut yourself when you pick it up" sort of way.

Could'nt been said in a better manner...., thanks Dave  :)

Quote from: alanp on May 14, 2013, 02:50:20 AM
The swirls are beautiful. I like the first one best, so many interpretations to put on it. You did the screening for the labels on them?

Yeah, my bud Sam have all the silkscreening tools and what not for t-shirt we did these together so he can show me how it's done and for all my other stuff he'll just prepare the frames for me and  i'll do the silkscreening my self.

We've spent many many many evenings trying to find the right «receipe» for the ink..., now that we have works out really good.

Quote from: Vallhagen on May 14, 2013, 04:45:34 PM
Very cool swirling! Adds something to your always-coollookin-all-pro-pedals:)


Thanks! I also found it cool to work with another guy stuff.......but i have to say that when i drilled was one of the most stressful moment in my pedal building habit...
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

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Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk

croquet hoop

These enclosures are absolutely awesome :o And the builds are very clean.

Re the Fuzz Factory pedals, is it OK to have so many wires crossing each other? I guess the current is too low to create interferences, but I'm not quite sure.


Holy Hell!! those are amazingly attractive and desirable looking pedals!
Wow, the first Fuzz Factory is my favorite but the rest are all close seconds.

If you don't mind me asking a slight tangent question... do your fuzz factories hiss like mad?  I mean a crazy annoying amount of hiss that's pervasive even while your playing?  (trying to figure out if it's just nature of the beast or if I should poke around in mine, it's one of my first builds from over a year ago.. could be I screwed it up).
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Quote from: croquet hoop on May 15, 2013, 11:56:17 AM
These enclosures are absolutely awesome :o And the builds are very clean.

Re the Fuzz Factory pedals, is it OK to have so many wires crossing each other? I guess the current is too low to create interferences, but I'm not quite sure.

I don't hear any added noise due to the wiring, it's the first time that i was building one of these in that configuration, all the others where build in the Zvex fashion..., sounds the same to me and.........well it's a's chaos! ;D

Quote from: angrykoko on May 15, 2013, 12:31:26 PM
Holy Hell!! those are amazingly attractive and desirable looking pedals!
Wow, the first Fuzz Factory is my favorite but the rest are all close seconds.

If you don't mind me asking a slight tangent question... do your fuzz factories hiss like mad?  I mean a crazy annoying amount of hiss that's pervasive even while your playing?  (trying to figure out if it's just nature of the beast or if I should poke around in mine, it's one of my first builds from over a year ago.. could be I screwed it up).

If we are talking of the same hiss, for me it's all about the settings of the gate and comp controls, to me they are the core of a setting with that circuit.

I use my single coil and humbucker equipped guitars with my FF and i've always been able to have a «clean» sound from the pedal.

Quote from: DutchMF on May 14, 2013, 07:15:00 PM
Had a second look at those cool pics and only just now noticed the big markings on the back of those pots! Reminds me of wiring my Chunk Chunk......


My short memory is dead...i need notes! hahahaha

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

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