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Tagboard Gainster

Started by gingataff, May 13, 2013, 03:50:20 AM

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This morning I just finished off a tagboard Clark Gainster clone. I made the board last year, based off the turretboard layout here

It's not the tidiest but it took a while to find out where to put everything and I originally used a 10x2 board but found I only needed a 6x2 board. I improvised a piggyback daughterboard for the opamp.

Values are stock and I changed the ceramic cap to a mica between rocking it and boxing it. The enclosure is a gold hammertone 125b which I originally panned to use for a Kingslayer (that one will get a metallic gold case instead), still got room for a battery ;D

I'm probably going to change the knobs for either some brown Fender cupcakes or black retro type.

Oh yeah, and it sounds awesome!



Cool tagboard action, well done!  Love the guts in this one :)


really nice one, looks amazing.