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My FIRST build!

Started by das234, May 12, 2013, 04:29:48 PM

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I just finished my first ever build.  I decided to make the HotCake/Flapjack/Shortstack using the PCB from Jef (awesome board BTW) and dubbed mine "der pfannkuchen".  With the knowledge I've gained from all the helpful forum denizens, the project went together with only 2 very minor hiccups and IT WORKS!  The only complaints I have are cosmetic.  My wiring is sloppy but I'll improve.  There are some dust specks under the clearcoat on my decal (I'll pick a cleaner spot to spray next time).  And the Tayda pots I used are taller than the SB pot so the knobs sit higher.  I suspect I can get some extra pot nuts and washers and adjust the height from inside the enclosure.  Anyone done that?  So here she is... (sorry about the fuzzy gut photo)


Awesome first build. Cool graphic.


That is you first build? I bow my head in respect, sir! Keep it up, so cool to see you do this! (and in this way....)
Can't wait to see more!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Dang! How long did you stalk rhe forums before you jumped in? Looks like maybe a couple of years! Well done.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Nice job. Love the graphic. We officially welcome you to the addiction!


Thanks, everyone, for the compliments.  I stumbled onto the diy pedal hobby (addiction) a couple months ago and started "stalking" the forums then.  I couldn't tell a resistor from a diode at the time but I was inspired by seeing and hearing all the great stuff people were building.  I watched youtube tutorials by chromeshpere Paul and some others and got pretty good at sniffing out answers to my questions on the forums. 

By the time I decided to take the plunge, I was confident I could do a decent job if I took my time and paid attention to the details.  I bought supplies for my first four pedals (the pfannkuchen, a Buzzaround, a Sea Urchin and a Doombutter) and got to work.  I wanted to start with a pretty simple pedal but make it my own.  The graphics might be my favorite part of building it (and I stalked the inkscape forums and videos for that).  I'm really pleased with build #1 and looking forward to doing more.  Next up... my take on the Buzzaround.   


always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Good job!  Welcome to the addiction. 


Great first build mate, and here's to many more ;)


Congrats on your first build and welcome! It is obvious you took the time to research before you jumped in. Can't wait to see more.  ;D


Looks great for a first build! I'm looking forward to your Buzzaround.


Boom!  Way to make an entrance dude!  Great build :)



Awesome name? - Check
Killer Graphics? - Check
Quality build? -Check

Nice work man! Cant wait to see what you have in store in the future.


Nice job, makes me long for the 10 packs of pfannkuchen I used to buy at Kaufland when I lived in Leipzig.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.



Great 1st build!
Yes i still have Blüe Monster pcb-s for sale!

...and checkout: