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Anyone speak Italian?

Started by TNblueshawk, May 09, 2013, 07:08:17 PM

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I don't speak any Italian, but took a look anyway. Seems that link is a re-direct? didn't see any Italian there....  ??? Copy-pasting in a new window gave the same results, sorry....

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman


Looks like BYOC is down... all links go to the same page.



We could attempt a denial of service overload traffic attack.  There has to be at least 15 or 20 of us.  That should crash their server, right?
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman


i'm italian. what do you need?


I had asked Keith, who runs the show, to post the info. Apparently someone has been emailing him and I asked him to copy the deal to the forum. He is trying to help someone fix a muff build, the BYOC beaver, and they can't communicate real well.

I'll shoot Keith an email now.


Quote from: pietro_moog on May 09, 2013, 11:01:58 PM
i'm italian. what do you need?

Hey Pietro ( my Mother's maiden last name actually  :) ) here is the link I was referring to if you want to help out. Keith copy and pasted from his email to create the OP.


do you want me to translate the whole thing, or just a summary?


i kindly ask you these questions for the building of the ram's head
inside the box i found more components than i need, but i think it's a standard kit.
i found 40 resistors, but i just need 24 so 16 are left.
same thing for the capacitors, 2 film and 2 ceramic.
3 different schematic, i did the ram's head.
1)about the 4 switching options, are they different versions, or just different eq settings?
2) --the guy is NOT clear at all here--
   the rotary switch has 12 positions and 3 mounting ways. is this indifferent?
  i understood how to limit positions from 12 to 4.
  i see the switch has a plastic protrusion as a reference. how should i mount it?
3)does the bypass switch has a switching way?
  i did test the switch with a tester, and found out the switching way.
  i can't read the numbers under the resin but i see the pins shape and i can guess the orientation. is this ok?


this guy uses TOO MANY words everywhere. grammar is not his best. nor logic.
he's not clear at all. it's not easy for me too to understand, but i'm used to this.
probably he's a super newbie, very tired and he's dying from the will to play the thing.
he needs a good sleep, a good read and some calm.

basically he does not understand the 3pdt orientation, the rotary switch everything, and the spare parts.

are we ok?


Wow, thanks Pietro.

I have a feeling he doesn't read English then because the BYOC instructions are the best there are and it doesn't appear he read them or can.

I'll tell Keith at BYOC what he is up against.