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First spray painting experience!

Started by DutchMF, May 04, 2013, 04:58:23 PM

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Did some stuff with clear coats before this (you'll see in future build reports) but this is my first try at using a can of spray paint on an enclosure.......

Kind of excited about the results! There is some paint build-up at the edges of the main box, but I'll get that worked out on the next try for sure! This enclosure is going to house my version of Jubal's Voxy Brown, going to be nice....

I got a question from one of you about my Zebra Fuzz, if I covered the Duct-tape with some clearcoat on that build. I didn't then, but I've got a box finished now that has a clearcoat over a Duct-tape finish and I can tell you one thing: It take a looooooong time to harden out! Will post that build report tomorrow....

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Nice!  That looks much better than my first 10 attempts at spraying my own enclosures.

"I don't think people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." - Joseph Campbell


Looks pretty much flawless in the photo mate, well done. A small bit of advice, when you take a chunk out of that beautiful paint job, like i do repeatedly, :P with a socket, screwdriver, spanner etc etc don't fret, swear and move on  ;D


Once you have your graphics on, clear coat a couple of good coats over the top (use the same brand of paint), cut it back with some wet and dry, and then use a cut/polish compound to bring up a mirror sheen.

BUT - be prepared for some heartbreak if the clear chucks a mental, check out my Krankosaurus build report.