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Cherrybomb on 18V?

Started by Cortexturizer, May 02, 2013, 09:07:39 PM

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Hi guys, I was just roaming through the forum and couldn't find if somebody had built a Cherrybomb on 18v [Power Boost].
So a quick question - is it enough to put a charge pump in there and just toggle the switch from 9 to 18V and back, or some other modifications of the circuit are needed? Of course asuming one uses the voltage ratings above around 35-50V...

Thanks - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


I tried a cherrybomb at 18v and felt that it didn't make enough difference to justify the effort.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


I disagree, it made a good difference to me,it became fatter.


Quote from: Cortexturizer on May 02, 2013, 09:07:39 PM
Hi guys, I was just roaming through the forum and couldn't find if somebody had built a Cherrybomb on 18v [Power Boost].
So a quick question - is it enough to put a charge pump in there and just toggle the switch from 9 to 18V and back, or some other modifications of the circuit are needed? Of course asuming one uses the voltage ratings above around 35-50V...


As long as all of your components are rated for >18v (probably should be more like 35-50v), yeah it's pretty simple.
You can either plug an 18v power supply into the regular 9v jack, or you can add a charge pump.  Easiest way to do that is with one of MadBean's RoadRage boards, in my experience. 
The docs on that are very good, but essentially you populate that small board with a charge pump (and a cap or two and a diode, if I recall), then run power from your DC jack to the RoadRage, then from the 18v tap on the RoadRage to the 9v pad on the Cherrybomb board. 

Simple as that.  :)


yeah cheers cheers dudes, i made a voltage doubler on a piece of vero with ICL7660SCPA and yes the sound is waaaaaay bassier and fatter, which I did not like. So... - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: Cortexturizer on May 23, 2013, 08:45:43 AM
yeah cheers cheers dudes, i made a voltage doubler on a piece of vero with ICL7660SCPA and yes the sound is waaaaaay bassier and fatter, which I did not like. So...

:)  Well, worth a shot anyway.  Glad you got it sorted.