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Nautilus volume & settings

Started by octa805, May 02, 2013, 05:33:15 AM

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Just finished one. Lots of features but its almost overwhelming to understand how they all play off each other to get a nice effect. My "spin dials till I like it process works but I'd love insight on any favorite settings, uses etc..

Also, man is it loud! Build doc says to have volume trimpot on full but no way! I have it at about 3/4 and its doable but certain settings make your ears bleed still. Any ways around this? Thanks!!!


Quote from: octa805 on May 02, 2013, 05:33:15 AM
Just finished one. Lots of features but its almost overwhelming to understand how they all play off each other to get a nice effect. My "spin dials till I like it process works but I'd love insight on any favorite settings, uses etc..

Also, man is it loud! Build doc says to have volume trimpot on full but no way! I have it at about 3/4 and its doable but certain settings make your ears bleed still. Any ways around this? Thanks!!!

Have you boxed it yet? If not you could make the trim pot external so you can get more control over the volume. I think the issues you are having are pretty much standard issue fir the nautilus. You will most likely have to play with it until you find what you like. Jon Patton (Midwayfair) does have a YouTube video demo for this one and it is quite informative and helpful. Check that out as well...


Actually the doc says to have the trimpot fully counter (anti) clockwise, i.e. at zero.
That could be your trouble.

Just finished my Nautilus today. What a beast  ;D


yes, it's boxed and I'd prefer to leave the volume internal anyways but good idea.

I'll pull the bottom off and play with the volume a bit more I think. I had it at full counter clockwise but (unless I'm remembering wrong) it was still crazy loud and that a turn to the right actually brought it down.

Seems like it's definitely just certain settings too. Especially the HP just gets LOUD.

still awesome just so deep it does take some dialing in

thanks everyone.


Quote from: octa805 on May 02, 2013, 04:54:07 PM
I had it at full counter clockwise but (unless I'm remembering wrong) it was still crazy loud and that a turn to the right actually brought it down.

I was confused by that on my build, but it turned out my trimpot had a reversed layout to the board. Nearly blew my amp before I figured out what was wrong :)


now my mind is blown. haha. counter to the counter to the counter of the anti

clocks are everywhere!??!!?