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Been busy, finished in March and April.

Started by gingataff, April 30, 2013, 01:16:37 PM

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Here is a round up of the pedals I've managed to get done in the last two months. Some of these were quite straightforward, others have had issues that took a while to get sorted out but I've happy to say they are now on my 'finished but might tweak' list  ;D

Top row left to right:
Afterlife, my first 1590a. Went together very cleanly and smoothly. I'm proud of the guts on that one.

Zero Point Mini,
5 knobber. Added the knobs for modulation. Thanks to Juan Solo I could eliminate the clock noise with some shielding.

Collosalus. More clock noise with this, had to do the mods in the power section as per the doc. Clean as a whistle now.

Pork Barrel.
This one had a charge pump and sounded great with a battery but there was a terrible noise with a power supply. I've removed the charge pump and now it's ok but I prefer it at 15v. I'm going to put the road rage in a small enclusure and try it externally instead.

SJ Effects Prince Albert
. None more black? Stuffed with huge caps but I botched up the dc jack and only got round to fixing it yesterday. Sounds awesome.

Bottom row:
Bloviator. I was going to call it Top 'N' Bottom but I liked Top 'n' Tail better.

. Short brick. Not sure where I got the idea for the name and graphic...

. This has got the mojo thing happening and some nice trannies from Chromesphere. Thanks mate!

. Another homage. This pedal should have been made last year but I had to learn how to draw circles in Illustrator first  ::)

I have more pics and gut shots which I can add later if there's interest.

I'm trying to decide whether to put the Prince Albert or the Honeydripper in the April contest. Times running out. Must decide...


love the rub-a-dub and the Prince Albert.

Just kidding, those are only my favourites, I love them all! :)
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

Software Developer @


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.

eldanko - Music, Builds, other nonsense


Thanks for the comments guys!

Yeah I'm happy with how the rub a dub turned out. Real fender knob for extra mojo :)

The bare box pedals all had ideas for graphics but either I lacked the tech (laser etching, etc) or my ideas sucked, so I felt it best to leave them alone. The exception is the Prince Albert which does have a Tramp Stamp but you'd have to ask nicely to see that ;)


Quote from: gingataff on April 30, 2013, 04:01:29 PM
Thanks for the comments guys!

Yeah I'm happy with how the rub a dub turned out. Real fender knob for extra mojo :)

The bare box pedals all had ideas for graphics but either I lacked the tech (laser etching, etc) or my ideas sucked, so I felt it best to leave them alone. The exception is the Prince Albert which does have a Tramp Stamp but you'd have to ask nicely to see that ;)

I love the Rub-A-Dub.. great look. Can I ask how you did the graphics on it. I am trying to find a way to do a nice white graphic without doing silkscreen. Maybe a sticker of some sorts.


The rub a dub is a sticker. It's stuck on a piece or 0.5mm aluminium sheet and cut it to size, then sprayed it with matt lacquer.
The 'Buzzaround' Bumblebee is the same but I sprayed with a mix of matt and gloss lacquer.
Here's a closer pic

and the Bumblebee for comparison


Perfect.. thanks. I will have to try that. Great idea.




wow, great amount of good work there, but to me the honeydripper just stands out in the crowd. keep'em coming! eheh


That's some really nice work. All together that's a great pedalboard load. I usually don't go for the matte look, but the reverb is really, really sharp.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Wow, those all look great. You sure have been busy. I really like the Rub-A-Dub the best though too. Classy!


Thanks guys. a lot of love for the rub a dub. Maybe I should have entered that in the April competition.

Oh well, I just entered the Honeydripper. Here are some shots and a demo of that one.



..hey buddy..that rub a dub thing is soooo cooool!...