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Harbinger light shield dimensions?

Started by GhostofJohnToad, April 29, 2013, 03:10:28 PM

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I can figure out what my x-y dimensions should be, but what about height?  My plan is to design and 3d print one. I want to fit it in a 1590bb.  What have you guys used?

I don't have my bulb yet(which is the one spec'd in the build docs) so I'm not sure what I have to clear.



Cool,  thanks Brian.  Here's the prototype.  I may send it out to get chrome plated once I get it completely fitted.


Very cool.. This will for sure make a clean looking build. I am trying to get my boss to get us a 3d printer here at work as I would love one for reasons like this.


I used the screwcap of a mini wine bottle, found that it fit just perfectly.  Its only tall enough to fit the alternative shorter bulb listed in the BOM though



3D Printer!? All kinds of awesome, and envy goin on!!! ;D


Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
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Just plain cool. I need to find one myself. Custom 3D print job? Badass
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