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Smoothie voltages

Started by Neurowork, April 21, 2013, 02:20:27 PM

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Hi guys, I'm have been on a baby boards spree lately. I build a great sounding Bloviator II and an Afterlife.

I have an issue with the Smoothie I'm building. Noting comes out of it.

I'm using matched 2n5952 I got from Das Musikding. I installed them properly.

Here are my readings:
9V : 8.98
IC1 : 1=1.383 2=1.211 3=0.971 4=0 5=0.858 6=1.383 7=1.378 8=8.98
IC2 : 1=1.375 2=1.377 3=0.858 4=0 5=4.52-4.80(oscillate) 6=4.52-4.80(oscillate) 7=3.93-5.38(oscillate)  8=8.98
Q1 : G = 1.374 S = 0.858 D=0,858
Q2 : G = 1.374 S = 0.858 D=0.858

Did the usual checking, part values, soldering (reflowed all joints).
Tried to audio probe the thing. I get sound up until pin 3 of IC1 but the nothing on pin 1 (I can hear the bass part of the signal faintly).

Some pictures of the board are available here :

I'm not sure what is wrong here...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Is it in a test rig or enclosure? Pics?
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Well I build a test rig with crocodile clips I use to test all of my builds before a box 'em.
I guess that's that 20th build or something I use this test build.
I provided a link to the pictures in my first post.



Oh well, I knew those voltages were kinda low. I eventually found my problem .. bad trimmer.
Replaced with a fresh one and voila. Works superbly. Time to box it and call it a day.



Quote from: Neurowork on April 22, 2013, 03:56:26 PM
Oh well, I knew those voltages were kinda low. I eventually found my problem .. bad trimmer.
Replaced with a fresh one and voila. Works superbly. Time to box it and call it a day.

Congrats! I know how ya feel!