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Anyone ever rehouse a Behringer pedal?

Started by GhostofJohnToad, April 19, 2013, 12:28:41 AM

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Was thinking about picking up a used Behringer RV600 and rehousing it in a sturdier box and maybe even making it true bypass.  Anyone ever done something like this?  Wondering if it's worth it.  Or maybe I should just get a used verbzilla instead.  Nobody's selling one are they. ;)


In a pinch about a year and a half ago I needed a cheap verb so I got a RV600.  Out of all of the settings available none really sounded great, some were ok and it worked for the gig at hand.  I built a bypass box because the buffer in that pedal is such a tone killer when bypassed.  I ended up selling it and the bypass box a few weeks later and haven't missed it since all the great verb projects started popping up here.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


Yeah looking up the RV600 the buffer thing seems to really kill it, that's why I was thinking about the rehouse and bypass. 


Rehousing a Behringer was one of my first DIY projects.

I don't think it's worth it.
Here's a thread about rehousing them.


instead of the $30 spent on the behringer, buy a belton brick and a PCB from either 1776 or Grind customs.


I had a Behringer UV300 a while back that I wanted to rehouse.  It sounded great, rightly close to an old Boss VB-2, but I took it apart and decided against it.  There would have been a whole lot of work involved, much more than your average rehouse.

When all is said and done I'd just follow LaceSensor's suggestion on buildinga DIY reverb and calling it a day.

"I don't think people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." - Joseph Campbell