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Fatpants high cut mod?

Started by fatpants, April 12, 2013, 03:23:23 PM

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A great forum and a lot of knowledge here! So here I go with my little problem.
I have made the fatpants v2 and it works, but through my strat I can hear too much high frequencies playing live. I've tried lowering R1 (no change), tried lowering C3 and now it's completely out of the circuit and still not good, I have 9v on the drain so bias is fine and all the parts are checked.
Now - I tried a cap across the R4 (stecykmi said it somewhere - thanks for this) and bingo!
But - I started from 500p and come up to 6.8n, 10n and 22n on a switch. My question (though maybe redundant) is - is something wrong with my circuit to need this much high freq attenuation, because I don't see anyone complaining that they have too much highs?
Or maybe my ears are laying to me?  ???


R1 is a bias resistor and will not appreciably alter the highs. There is no capacitor to do any filtering there.
C3 - R4 forms a low pass filter and biasing network. Removing C3 doesn't reduce the highs ... it adds a little bass. The combination of C1, R3, C2, C3, and R4 forms a mild bandpass filter, which is why the circuit has a bit of midrange.

The C2/R3 network is a high cut. You can increase either if you just want to cut more highs following the buffer.

The circuit does not have a ton of treble to my ears. It does have quite a bit of midrange and upper midrange with the Fat switch off (when the fat switch is on, it's a full range boost). In your case, it could simply be that you're going into an amp with lots of mids (like a Marshall or Tweed) and overloading on midrange. Or it could be that you're pushing a tube amp and that the distortion is creating lots of extra high frequencies.

But if you found something that works for you, then you've found something that works for you. Personally though I would have strapped a cap across the volume pot instead of how you did it (because it would cut signal only AFTER amplification).


I will definitely try the cap across the volume pot (thanks for that), and before that the C2/R3 network.
Now that you explained it like that I think I didn't put it well in my first post.
Maybe my problem is not too much highs or mids (which is normal for this circuit) but loss of lows.
I definitely hear less bass frequencies. I do play a tube amp (2x6L6/2x12ax7 home made one), and a custom shop strat that has very nice bass response (best I've ever heard).
So maybe I need more bass to come out of the circuit (much more than pulling the c3 out)? :-\


I pulled the J201 put the 2n5457 in and re-biased to get 9v on the drain, left the c3 out, and the cap on the volume pot (switchable), and I think it's much better (everything else being stock) but it's midnight here so I can't crank anything.
Posting the results tomorrow.


Tried it loud and it sounds great, I think it was the j201.
Left the C3 out and the 6.8n cap across the volume pot (I use with my tele).
Thanks again for the info!