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extra cap on slow loris

Started by sp3k, April 03, 2013, 02:25:26 AM

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I noticed there's an extra cap (C13) on the slow loris, compared to the runt, and to the schematics online. Does anyone know why?

also, putting an 1kB pot between C5 and R5 would give me another sweep control right? 


I believe C13 is to filter out the low frequencies. And C10 filters out the high frequencies. Could be the other way round though.

No idea on the sweep control though.

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C10 and C13 are both filter caps for the power supply. Electro and film caps both filter the power supply in a different way and are therefor frequently combined. I guess leaving C13 of was a way to save space on the babyboard Runt.
I think putting a pot between R5 and C5 would give you something like the sweep control, but probably witha different frequency/gain response, as both the cap and the resistor are a different value. Maybe some sockets or a stint of breadboarding is in order? Let us know your results!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


I asked about the C13 because the rat schematic I found online doesn't have it!

The pot between c5 and r5 is a mod I think I already saw some time ago. fuzzrocious pedals sells a modded rat (, I suspect the clipping knobs are just the normal sweeps mod and another one in between r5 and c5.
The other mods on that pedal seam cool to, I might try to do them. Do you guys have any idea what two points to connect on the circuit to give a cool feedback effect?


I just built a runt last week and added a 1K sweep (like on the slow loris) at R4/C6.  Also subbed red led's for the diodes.

It's awesome...  will post a build report soon, got a few others in the works.
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e.e. cummings