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Aquaboy DX w/Tap Tempo [MV64 Content]

Started by jonrhee, March 29, 2013, 03:49:56 PM

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Pretty stoked about this build. It's basically an Aquaboy Deluxe but with the time/modulation section replaced with the Molten Voltage Delaytion.

I went with the v3205 because it was what I knew, but looking back I probably would have gone with BL3208s. It is a bit tough too fit on a board though, so I may possibly do a daughter board to fit 4 on there in the future. I made a couple silly mistakes, like using a rotary switch for the sub-division, which ended up being too big with the board mounted pots. I supposed I could use long pin, but whatever. Also, i removed the MV59 section with the programability because it was too much work to fit in the enclosure given the spacing I had set for board mounted pots.

It works like a dream though, and was probably one of the easier delay builds I have done. I am experiencing some noise issues as to be expected with v3205s however I suspect my 1spot putting out closer to 18v may have something to do with it.

Not the tidiest build but I'm planning on revising the board so I figure bugger it.

I also have 9 additional boards if anyones interested? $7 shipped CONUS.


cool project! what enclosure size is it?



I was thinking about a test enclosure just last night and BAM you got one. What's the story behind the IC socket with no IC in the lower right?
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Damn impressive, sir. Really nice layout despite the bugs. Any chance for a demonstration?
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


The empty socket is where the MV59 was. I decided not to use it and so I took it out to see if it would still work. I'd like to get a demo together once I get it a bit prettier and I have some time.

Molten Voltage are definitely on their game. Super simple to incorporate and bypasses all of the trouble associated with the Time section, such as clock noise. Only problem is at times I can hear (very quiet) ticking with the tempo.