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FatPants Pre-Build Checklist

Started by tuddy24, March 28, 2013, 01:58:32 AM

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Hi All,

After much looking around I've decided to embark on a FatPants ed. 2012 build.  I've read the build doc and have a few questions about the parts.

1. Will box film caps from Mammoth fit in the signal cap locations?

2. Are > 36V rated filter caps good enough for the electrolytics near the charge pump?  Also, what's the general requirement for the voltage rating on electrolytics in the signal path?  I wish the build docs provided voltage ratings for caps!  Are the "audiophile grade" caps worth it?

I see the PCB will be available on 4-1, is it possible the layout or components will change? 




The Fatpants being released at the Beginning of April is an updated 2013 version. I wouldn't order parts til the BOM comes out, or you find out what has changed...