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Shoot The Moon - 1590A Horizontal orientation - w/ Demo!!!

Started by Stomptown, March 26, 2013, 02:13:49 AM

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I have been messing around with eagle for a while now and I finally decided to send some of my layouts to Oshpark. This one is a modified layout of the open source Shoot the Moon. I love the circuit so I didn't make any changes other than adding a pad to hook the speed indicator LED to the 3PDT so I could shut it off when in bypass mode. I also decided to use a C100K pot for speed, but I looked over my build today and noticed that the supplier sent me an A100K by mistake. No wonder it seemed even more bunched up than my other STM!!!  >:( Oh well it still sounds great to me and maybe I'll change it down the road.

I wanted to try something different with the 1590A so I decided to go with a landscape orientation. This was partially inspired by Jubal81's Voxy Brown from last months build off. What a great build! I loved the layout and thought it would be cool to try the same with a 1590A. It isn't all that practical considering the 1590A is supposed to save space, but oh well! It was still a lot of fun (most of the time)! ;D

I spent quite a bit of time worrying about how I would fit the board with mounted 9mm pots and a 3pdt, but it turns out that was the easy part! The hard part was fitting the input jack and the DC jack next to each other. I had to drill out the corners where the screws go but all 4 screws still fit tight. It worked out in the end but I don't think I'll be trying this again anytime soon! I was originally going to do a laser etch with this one at a local shop but the paint job had too many blemishes on the top surface so I decided to do another faceplate. I am pretty happy with the way it turned out, but I do wish the etch was a little bit deeper.

Not too much to say about the STM that hasn't already been said. It's a great tremolo and it goes from silky smooth to super choppy and everything in between. If I do build this one again I may opt to make the gain pot an internal trim as it is mostly a set if and forget it function for me...




Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


That is achingly beautiful.

(It's a good feeling when a board you laid out goes, isn't it? :) )
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- Terry Pratchett
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I am now going to use a word I hate.

That is an elegant pedal.
I would want to wear satin slippers to step on it.



Brilliant! I actually think that's the smartest use of a 1590A I've ever seen. Yes, it's more space horizontally, but you've used the space available to the fullest, and I'm super impressed with how clean and good it looks.

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Thanks for the compliments guys! Doing your own layout is definitely satisfying. I have a couple more in the works right now. I actually live in the same city as the guy from oshpark so they ship really fast which is nice! I've been kind of working backwards to coming up with my own design and I think ready to take the plunge into the theory side of things. Okay, maybe I've been avoiding it a bit, but I'm running out of excuses...

Quote from: icecycle66 on March 26, 2013, 03:06:04 AM

Haha! I didn't see it at first but that's awesome!  :) Thanks


"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?




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seriously awesome and clean!
outstanding work!
Hi, my name is Wyatt.