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Cardinal Tremolo #1 and "the Dez-RT" (3-in-1 for my buddy Mosno

Started by midwayfair, March 18, 2013, 03:13:14 AM

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Cardinal Tremolo #1:

This is my prototype on perfboard of the IC-based version. I actually messed up a little -- my layout was two columns smaller. It still fits perfectly, though. Not completely sold on the chickenhead for the rate in this case, but it's usually the right call when it fits. :)

I'll film a demo of this version tomorrow night. I'm very, very pleased with it.

This is "The Dez-RT" built for my buddy Mosno Al-Moseeki. Mosno is a fluffy Arab guy who plays what he calls "3rd World Rock" and is seriously THE nicest guy I've ever met. I mean he's just the biggest bundle of positive energy in any given room. Plus he's a fantastic singer. He's working on a concept album that borders on being a world-rock opera (it's got about 10 different local musicians on it for different characters' voices). I highly recommend checking him out:

He used my Blue Warbler on this song that he recorded with my friend Joe Scala for FAWM
(This is one mic!

and pretty much had to have one. :) But then he told me he wanted three things in one, even though he had no idea what else he wanted. So I took a big box of pedals over and tried to find some stuff that meshed with his music. He liked the Blue Warbler and the Hamlet straight away. The Clipper Ship was a weird choice. I wasn't even pulling out any of the distortion pedals, but he asked what it was, played through it, and really liked it (even though he plays acoustic), so that completed the trifecta.

He's from Sudan, and he asked for the Sudanese flag on his. His website is actually banned in his native country now because he recorded a protest song against the current regime.

I spent a couple days fretting about the knob layout until I got this one, which leaves all nine controls within easy twiddling distance. I'm glad it worked out in the end.

There are some camels on the side. The anodized orange is a nice contrast from the colors on the top and looks very sandy. :)


Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Very nice, Jon.

The knob layout on the 3-in-1 looks just about perfect to me.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Hey, wait a second...does this mean there's a fabbed Clipper Ship now? Have I missed something? Or is that just a prototype for the moment? Anyway, this looks great as always.


Quote from: Bret608 on March 18, 2013, 04:45:43 PM
Hey, wait a second...does this mean there's a fabbed Clipper Ship now? Have I missed something? Or is that just a prototype for the moment? Anyway, this looks great as always.

It's one of my prototype boards (one of the three that didn't quite fit in a 1590A). I don't really have the resources to have multiple projects on hand (or the time to ship them), so I'll work on the dirt pedals after the Hamlets are dealt with.


Ah, I see! I can sit tight until you're able to release the Clipper then.

The anodized orange makes me want to try that on my next PPP order.  :)