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Started by RobA, March 10, 2013, 03:20:34 AM

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Just wondering if anyone here is using KiCad.  I started working on what I hope will turn into an open hardware project a couple of months ago. So, I figured I should do the development with open software on a readily available computer. I decided to do all the work using KiCad on a Raspberry Pi.

It was a bit weird at first as I was coming from Eagle. But, I've gotten to the point where I actually prefer KiCad now. So, I was just wondering if anyone else is using it.

Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Not yet.  I've been meaning to try that and Designspark as they are both reasonable (and free alternatives).  I am not sure about KiCad, but I like the way that Designspark allows for more than 2 layers on their free version.

I use and like Altium quite a bit, but sometimes the sheer number of options are a bit daunting.  I also really wish it imported Eagle libraries.  For a pedal design, I'd basically have to start completely from scratch with the libraries.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Yeah, I had collected together a set of libraries I liked for Eagle. The thought of finding them all again for KiCad was one of the things that kept me from using it for a while. But, now that I've actually done the move, building up the library for KiCad has been pretty easy. And making new parts is so easy now that I don't bother doing web searches to see if I can find a part. I can knock out a new part and set of footprints for it in a few minutes.

I haven't ordered a PCB from KiCad yet though. So far, I've only etched my own boards with it. So, that's going to be the next step -- seeing how hard it is for me to get a PCB manufactured from KiCad Gerber files. Hopefully, I can get it done without too many mistakes on my part.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Quote from: RobA on March 10, 2013, 04:28:56 PM
Yeah, I had collected together a set of libraries I liked for Eagle. The thought of finding them all again for KiCad was one of the things that kept me from using it for a while. But, now that I've actually done the move, building up the library for KiCad has been pretty easy. And making new parts is so easy now that I don't bother doing web searches to see if I can find a part. I can knock out a new part and set of footprints for it in a few minutes.

I haven't ordered a PCB from KiCad yet though. So far, I've only etched my own boards with it. So, that's going to be the next step -- seeing how hard it is for me to get a PCB manufactured from KiCad Gerber files. Hopefully, I can get it done without too many mistakes on my part.

If you can etch a board from it, I suspect you won't have too much of an issue.

There are some decent free Gerber viewers available.  I would check the outputs of KiCad before ordering anything.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Slightly off topic, but anyone using fritzing?
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


I've been using gerbv. It does the job fine so far. I'm mainly worried about the specifics of the requirements for each fab house. They all seem to have their own sets of rules. One of the good things about Eagle is that you can get the files from them that configure Eagle to their specs. I haven't seen anyone doing that yet for KiCad. I'm guessing it won't be too much of an issue after a bit -- just hoping it doesn't take too many iterations before I've got it down.

I tried out Fritzing a few months back when I first started thinking about doing some open hardware stuff. It felt to me that it was mainly aimed at Arduino and going from breadboard to PCB for Arduino based projects. It was a bit buggy when I tried it too. But, that was a while ago.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).