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XTC Build #1

Started by v00d00blues79, February 20, 2013, 03:40:40 PM

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I bought a couple of the XTC boards that George was selling and I just finished wiring up the first one.  I'll have to wait till tomorrow to fire it up, but so far it I'm really digging the boards for ease of build.  I'm not one for putting much of a finish on the enclosures so this one will most likely get the standard labler treatment.

I've also got a couple of his Pastie Drive boards in the pipe.  I'll post them once I'm done with their builds.



Where were you able to find the c10k board mounted pot for the bass control?


Yup.  Found it at small bear.  The one I wasn't able to find was the C25k for my Pastie drive builds tone control.  That's about as available as a C150k.  I went with a W20k for those.



Yeah, I like the clean layout on his boards! I'm thinking of trying out this or the Silk Hat. Let us know how it sounds.

I wonder if you couldn't use a C50k pot for the Pastie and solder a 51k resistor across lugs 1-3? On a PCB-mount pot, you could use the through-holes on each lug to do this, right? Theoretically this would get you close to 25k I think.


I probably could have gone with a B50k and paralleled a ~50k resistor to simulate the C25k.  That's how I've seen people do it for the C150k pot in the Keeley 4 knobber. (B250k || 330k resistor).

I'll definitely report back on how it sounds once I've had some time with it.



I just used a 25kB for the tone in the Pastie (same issue, couldn't find one), and it worked fine.  After all, it's a tone control, you find the sweet spot and typically leave it.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


I used the tone controls on my pedals and amps quite a lot.  I play all different types of rooms and will typically have to tailor the tone controls to the particular room we are playing in.  I can go from a completely dead neutral room one gig to an extremely alive room the next.  Its the difference for me between the acoustics of a room that cause me to constantly tweak the knobs to better suit the situation. 



Woohoo!  It makes noise!  And it sounds pretty darn good, too!  I need to try it at stage volume to really see where it sits in the mix, but I'm really happy with it so far.  It definitely sounds like the clips on YouTube to my ears.  Highly recommend this one.




It's kinda cool to see the boards like this.  Thanks for posting the review.

I'm glad you like it!




Thanks for making these boards available!  Need to find a source for more 4580 IC's.  Need one more to finish up the second set of PD and XTC boards.



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