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Cherry Bomb Babe

Started by hoodoo, February 19, 2013, 09:03:24 AM

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G'day to all, Matt here, with my latest build. The graphic has probably been done to death with this build but i liked her so here she is, a little roughed up  ;) happy accident.
Cherry bomb built to spec with BC 109 trannies NOS i got off a guy that stopped building in the 90's sound great, none of the splattery note decay i've read that some people experienced.
The only issue i have with this build is my own doing, used a 10kb for the gain pot instead of the 1kc listed, sorta knew what would happen,was all i had at the time,planned to change it when i put my next order in, but was pleasantly surprised. As it is it is a bit of a one trick pony ie: on/off distortion/fuzz but it sounds great, so i'm leaving it as is and will build another with correct values and some mojo bits down the track.
Anyhow here she is,
All the best, Matt.


Love the decal! Perfect.

The K10C makes the gain easier to dial in. It's well worth swapping when you get one.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Your builds are really coming together nicely Matt!  Very neat guts too!

Contract PCB designer


I like what you did with Josh's 3PDT board--I used it on my Pork Barrel and didn't realize until the end that it looks better with the in/out jack wires soldered in through the top of the board!

And of course, the girl doesn't hurt either!  :)


Thanks for the kind words gents, will try the reverse taper pot when it arrives, and Josh, your 3pdt boards=neat guts, so thanks for them :)
All the best, Matt.


Hello, I've done that project too, but mine has some decay fiziness on the high end.How did you do to not have that fiziness problem?Besides that mine appears to have a non response to bass on the pot.When I turn the bass pot from one place to the other I notice no change, do you feel the same with your build?
Quote from: hoodoo on February 19, 2013, 09:03:24 AM
G'day to all, Matt here, with my latest build. The graphic has probably been done to death with this build but i liked her so here she is, a little roughed up  ;) happy accident.
Cherry bomb built to spec with BC 109 trannies NOS i got off a guy that stopped building in the 90's sound great, none of the splattery note decay i've read that some people experienced.
The only issue i have with this build is my own doing, used a 10kb for the gain pot instead of the 1kc listed, sorta knew what would happen,was all i had at the time,planned to change it when i put my next order in, but was pleasantly surprised. As it is it is a bit of a one trick pony ie: on/off distortion/fuzz but it sounds great, so i'm leaving it as is and will build another with correct values and some mojo bits down the track.
Anyhow here she is,
All the best, Matt.


It can be a bit finicky this one, like old fuzz faces/benders. Sounds pants on my Double Six, fizzy and horrible. As does a Bender for that matter. Sounds awesome on the MJW. Also it does not play well with a wah if you've got one in line with it.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


I just want to use it as a crancker/booster.I think that perhaps controling the voltage that goes to the trainies or lowering the hfe of the used trainies would fix this, but if someone has done it right, would like to know the process. :)


I had a go on the overdriver and ended up disappointed really :( I expected it to be magical with my amp but it was only ok. With my friends Bassman it was the ugliest thing I have ever heard. I used a vero layout from tagboardeffects and from then on I have never used their layouts again...
I had all the voltages correct, I used various transistors with the correct hfe-s [type and hfe really determines the buzzy decay of the notes, experiment with this] but still, I ended up not boxing it. I regret it somewhat, maybe I will attempt some other layout in the future. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Yeah, I believe that lowering the hfe of the trainies will reduce fiziness decay.I will try to replace it.I think that coloursound when making the pedals actually uses whatever makes the pedal achieve "thatsound".Having said this, it is harder to make a very approximate clone.
Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 25, 2013, 12:35:09 PM
I had a go on the overdriver and ended up disappointed really :( I expected it to be magical with my amp but it was only ok. With my friends Bassman it was the ugliest thing I have ever heard. I used a vero layout from tagboardeffects and from then on I have never used their layouts again...
I had all the voltages correct, I used various transistors with the correct hfe-s [type and hfe really determines the buzzy decay of the notes, experiment with this] but still, I ended up not boxing it. I regret it somewhat, maybe I will attempt some other layout in the future.


So, I've found that messing with the 1.8k resistors will adjust the bias for Q2 and Q3, does anyone know how to adjust Q1 since the reading on mine shows 1.75 on the collector.They all should be around 5 volts I think.Q2 and Q3 both measure around 6 volts.


Hi Garfo, I don't know how to help you with your problem with your build, but i can tell you mine was built to spec with old stock BC109 trannies, that might be the difference? Before i built mine i read back through the forum and there seemed to be a few people with the same problem as you, i'm sure someone can give you some advice. It may be, as Juansolo said, the guitar and amp setup you are using, i'm playing through a hiwatt amp and it sounds great. Hope you get it fixed, Matt.


Well, I used the trannies suggested by Brian and I also tried the BC109.As the BC 109 had bigger hfe I decided to leave the 2n3565 in since their hfe was of about 180/200.I found out that probably it has to do with the voltage on Q2 and Q3 and I will solve that.Plus, the amp I'm testing things is a little shitty amp, I'm sure with a better amp that fizziness won't happen.
Plus, and if anyone who has built this pedal can give some feedback, the bass pot appears to be doing nothing on my project, does anyone feel the same?I will recheck and see if the pot is wired propperly, if not, I have no idea on what's happening.
By the way, this pedal sounds skiller with bass, I can't stop repeating this!!!!