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Anyone else having issues with Mammoth electronics?

Started by fish22, February 15, 2013, 02:59:40 PM

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Quote from: madbean on February 16, 2013, 01:35:21 PM
Quote from: sclemmer on February 16, 2013, 10:41:25 AM
And BTW, This guy doesn't play around with his orders.

I was a little disappointed with my recent order of DC jacks--it's shipping 1st Class even though the shipping cost is equivalent to Priority. Considering you can get the Priority boxes for free from USPS it doesn't make sense.

Just to follow up on this - Lawrence emailed me after reading my post and apologized for not sending the order Priority. I think this was very nice of him to do--shows great dedication to customer service :)


Yeah I have, lack of e-mail response to the basic question of "what's the best format to submit pedal drill pattern and dimensions".  I've used Mammoth for parts and drilled the holes myself but like the option of letting them do the work for a fee.  I'd just like the best way to transfer the info to them; apparently a Visio diagram with precise dimensions isn't good enough.  Argh!


I actually ordered form them last week and then found this thread.  I wish I had read it before ordering.  They are really slow, both shipping and replying to emails.  In the end they just canceled my order.  You'd think it would make more sense to actually ship out the order in a timely fashion.  I definitely won't be using them for future builds.  Waste of time.


Concerning mammoth...

did my first order two days ago, they have great stuff. I cant talk for shipping time because I hadnt any experience so far, but im living pretty far away and they dont promise that my package arrives qickly ;)

whats pretty strange is that their email seems not to work. i always get "delivery failed"... strange. anyone?


I ended up getting most of the stuff at Mouser and the rest at Pedal Parts Plus.  Both ship incredibly fast.


I have never had a problem with a Mammoth order.  They always ship within a couple days.


Quote from: bcalla on November 19, 2014, 12:02:50 AM
I have never had a problem with a Mammoth order.  They always ship within a couple days.

Agreed, I prefer Mammoth for a lot of things because it's one of my fastest options


they seem to ship pretty fast
i just find it strange that their mail doesnt work for me :/


Last time I ordered from mammoth was last December. I put a tayda order in on the same day and my tayda order showed up 2 days before the mammoth order and one of the enclosures was missing a couple screws. I mostly ordered enclosures from them but for the price I am going to start getting mine from Lawrence at blms. Plus he is in NY so theoretically shipping should a day or two at most.




Quote from: Shrtyska9 on November 20, 2014, 06:21:22 AM
Last time I ordered from mammoth was last December. I put a tayda order in on the same day and my tayda order showed up 2 days before the mammoth order and one of the enclosures was missing a couple screws. I mostly ordered enclosures from them but for the price I am going to start getting mine from Lawrence at blms. Plus he is in NY so theoretically shipping should a day or two at most.


danm i was reading this thread and was affraid cos its my first order at mammoth, my big deal its that i live outside USA, but i have a company who brings my mail from Doral to my home, but its quite expensive about 8 USD per lb, plus 10 USD per order, and while i was reading i got a mail from mammoth and the told me that they didnt have one colour on one enclosure i paid, and they told me that they are shipping all my order and just that enclosure they will ship when they got stock.

that bads news to me, since im going to pay double for the same order, and i will pay 18 usd shipping, for a 9 USD enclosure, that really bad....
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


The thing I think is funny is all the complaints about their shipping and then on their Facebook page they post pics of them playing basketball or a bunch of enclosure backs stacked in a geometric pattern with a message like " created by so and so in shipping." Lol




I've had one order out of about ten, where someone forgot to process the order for shipping. I sent them an email, an employee there apologized, and got the order on it's way in a day or two. I use them when I need a couple of small parts, and I don't want to pay $5+ for shipping.


Quote from: jball85 on December 01, 2014, 06:37:33 PM
I've had one order out of about ten, where someone forgot to process the order for shipping. I sent them an email, an employee there apologized, and got the order on it's way in a day or two. I use them when I need a couple of small parts, and I don't want to pay $5+ for shipping.

i believe they need better logistic, and/or better software for they parts, since they offer but sometimes parts are not in stock and you dont know, and they mail all but the parts that are not in stock, then after the shipping they told you about the parts that they dont have stock, still they recognize pretty much their errors and always are willing to help, in my case they offer me to ship for free direct to my country my enclosures thatthey didnt have in stock
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


I mostly use mammoth now for the pro 3pdt switches and don't rely on them for parts I need asap; however, I just ordered 25 3pdt's last thursday and they were at my door on Saturday!  It does show they are trying...


My order shipped today: tons of pots and switches, and some odds and ends

That order was placed

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