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Mod a Deadringer back to an original, non-mosfet FDII

Started by ichilton, February 12, 2013, 04:18:50 PM

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I was wondering how easy it would be (and would i'd need to change) to mod a Deadringer back to the specs of an original, non-mosfet FDII?

I've heard the newer ones are much brighter sounding and a lot of people prefer the older ones - so there was obviously some changes other than adding the mosfet's which are switchable.




The first step would be to compare the schematics. Depending on what you have, I would print them off and begin to check of identical sections and then circle differences. Then it's just a matter of either adding or subtracting the parts needed.

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The problem is, i've not been able to find the old, non-mosfet schematic!



Then unfortunately all we'll be able to give you is guesswork.

Truthfully, without knowing the exact schematic, all we can tell you to do is remove the mosfet clipping. In which case, if that's the only difference, there's no point. Leave it in silicon mode, and you've essentially got what you're looking for. If there are more differences than that, I don't know what they are, and the only way we're getting that info is if someone reverse engineers an original Fulldrive 2.

Going by what you heard, I don't think there's any actual evidence that there's much if anything different. If newer ones are brighter sounding, that could be attributed to the difference between two pedals of any sort. When you're dealing with tolerance parts of %10 or even %20, two production models from the same week could sound slightly different from each other.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals



Ok, thanks.

I was hoping someone would know.

There is a little bit of detail in this thread, but it wasn't confirmed:
