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Sonic Vibe Machine - JMK Vibe PCB - wob wob wob...

Started by eldanko, January 29, 2013, 04:31:50 PM

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A few months ago, Mr. Kokura offered a very limited run of vibe boards, and I was lucky enough to claim one. I've never owned or built a vibe, but I've always wanted to do so. In the included documentation, the following lines appeared:

"The enclosure recommended for this project is a 1790NS, but a 1590Q and even a 125BB could be used with some careful measuring and adapting work. Truthfully, for the extra couple bucks - get a 1790NS or 1590Q and make your life easier."

Here's how I read it:

"Hey Dane! Bet you can't fit this thing in a 125BB with top mounted jacks and a clickless bypass unit!"

So... that's what I planned to do. I came up with badass artwork... double-checked dimensions... drilled the enclosure perfectly to my design... everything was great. This being my first vibe, however, I failed to realize just how much space that big copper dome occupies. So much space, in fact, that the board would not fit in the enclosure face up no matter what I did. So... I had to wire it upside down. Knowing that I'd have to get to those trimmers from time to time, I knew I'd have to leave my wires longer than usual in order to get the board back out.  Enter "Danko's House of Spaghetti":

Nevertheless, I crammed everything in and it fired up perfectly on the first try (rocking before boxing wasn't a great option in this scenario). Here's everything situated:

Looks sorta clean, right?  ::)

Sounds amazing. Plenty of throb, nice wide range on the depth and speed controls... I'm in heaven. Box is blue anodized from PPP (their anodized finishes look AMAZEBALLS after lacquering). Finished product:

Special thanks to Jacob for providing this project. This should get you all salivating for the upcoming Harbinger  ;D

I posted a quick and dirty demo in the A/V forum if you want to hear it: - Music, Builds, other nonsense



That is sweet. Ticks all my boxes. Great graphic too. Good job squeezing that all in there.


Man, that looks good! And a nice idea with the velcro. This makes me ashamed that I still haven't done Jakobs efforts justice and finish up mine.... Very nice stuff indeed Dane! And I might have to reconsider my choice of enclosure (1590TRPC)...

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Fantastic work, Dane. Sometimes the hardest squeezes are in the larger boxes. :)


I still think the wiring is pretty neat...Danko's house of sphagetti must be one of those trendy, minimalist restaurants with small portions on huge, artistic plates!  ;)  Must listen to demo now...


Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: DutchMF on January 29, 2013, 05:18:03 PM
Man, that looks good! And a nice idea with the velcro. This makes me ashamed that I still haven't done Jakobs efforts justice and finish up mine.... Very nice stuff indeed Dane! And I might have to reconsider my choice of enclosure (1590TRPC)...

To be honest, I could have fit it all in there no problem if I had side mounted the jacks. Switching to top mount at the last minute is really what cut into my usable space. Either way, I never did come up with a good way to board mount the pots in the 125BB, so a bigger enclosure is the way to go if you want to do that.

Quote from: midwayfair on January 29, 2013, 05:30:04 PM
Fantastic work, Dane. Sometimes the hardest squeezes are in the larger boxes. :)

I partially blame you for my desire to cram things in this manner. In the process of building stuff like this, I always end up pep talking myself with stuff like "If Jon can fit [insert latest circuit here] into a 1590A, then you can totally make this fit..."   ;D

Quote from: Bret608 on January 29, 2013, 05:32:39 PM
I still think the wiring is pretty neat...Danko's house of sphagetti must be one of those trendy, minimalist restaurants with small portions on huge, artistic plates!  ;)  Must listen to demo now...

"Waiter, there appear to be zip ties in my pasta." - Music, Builds, other nonsense


yes! i've wanted to build a vibe for a while now.. I agree with you... fitting tons of things into a cram space is half the fun and definitely constitutes a lot of impressed reactions. Plus there's really something to looking down at your board and knowing that you couldn't have saved any more possible space in a pedal (unless you went smd..)


That looks really good, Dane!

Very nice build.  I like the graphics, too.

I really need to find time to build this board up.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Duuuuuddeee! You nailed it on that one. I can't wait for this one to be released.

Good trick with the velcro.


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.



Lovin' this one mate, great graphics, and more importantly sounds fantastic!!!!