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Mudbunny PCB

Started by FredGarvin, January 28, 2013, 11:31:49 PM

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Arrgh! I just did a terrible thing and lifted two pads off of my mudbunny pcb. I was replacing some parts and lifted the pads off the top of the pcb. Unfortunately, this is one of the older white pcb's with the mid pads, pre 2012. I was looking at the project docs and noticed on the fabbed version image that maybe the traces on the bottom are the most important, which are intact. Can anyone verify this? And if it's pooched, would anybody have an extra one floating around for sale? Thanks for taking the time to read this post.


The side with traces that connect the components is the side you need to worry about as long as the component stays in place, if you lift a trace you can always just bend the leg of the cap or resistor and connect it where it needs to go like on perf. Hope this helps....


The traces on top of the pcb have been lifted right off and can't be put back on. The bottom is intact.


Not familiar with this board but from what im gathering its double sided??? May be a problem then... I have solved this before by clipping the traces off and using small bits of component leads to wire back where the traces would have attached, much like running bent leads for the traces on perfboard. Isnt all that pretty but if done correctly works fine.


Post an up close picture if you can.

Depending on how bad it is, you may be able to scrape off some of the masking and solder directly to the trace.