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Running Boneyard at 12v question

Started by gigantor, January 18, 2013, 11:17:33 PM

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Hey guys

So when I originally built my Boneyard I set it up to run at 9v.

I've read numerous reports that running it at a higher voltage makes it really sing. So I could buy a 12v adapter and swap out the TC1044 (by the way, don't buy the MAX1044's from Small Bear, I've fried three of them!!!) for an LT1054. But that just wouldn't be in the spirit of building stuff from scratch would it??

I'm planning on building a road rage this weekend and hooking that up (if I can find the room!!) but I notice that while it says 12-15 volt operation on the layout, how would I go about only getting the 12v that I want? I've heard that higher voltage settings tend to take away from the sweet spot on the Boneyard.

Forgive me as I guess this is a noobish question, but then again this is my first attempt at upping the voltage on any pedal. Going to do the same for my Dr. Boogey but at least I know I want 18v.

Thanks for any helps


There is a place on the roadrage for a voltage regulator (looks like a transistor). You can use a 12v regulator there to get 12v out. However, the road rage is not what you want for this circuit. The boneyard runs off of + and - voltage. The Roadrage is set up to give up to +18v or +9v/-9v but not anything more than -9V. Your first example (switching to the LT1054 and using a +12v supply into the pedal will work).  It seem like the TC1044 is rated for 12v but I can't remember for sure. If so, it will work and you wouldn't need the LT1054.

As far as the Dr. Boogie, I don't think 18V is going to do anything because you have to bias the transistors for around 4.5V on each drain in that circuit.


Damnit....oh well, guess I'll have to experiment with some other pedals then to see if the extra voltage makes a difference.

I've read on other forums that running the Boogey on +15-18v really improved the pedal. Guess we'll see tonight when the parts finally get in and I get her wired up.