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Mangler and CV7003 transistor

Started by teknoman2, January 18, 2013, 10:08:39 AM

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I would like to build this fuzz  and I notice that a very good replica of fuzz face is the fuzz phrase
made by jam pedals.
They are using PNP CV7003 transistors and carbon composition resistors,
I would like to ask if anybody used these trannies on a mangler and how it sounded,
I just buy a pair of CV7003 with Q1=70-85 hfe and Q2=120-140 hfe
and I have also a pair of ac128 in this range.
Do you think that they 'll  have enormous sound difference ?
Also if I use metal film resistors instead of carbon comp and electrolytic caps
from tayda electronics will I have sound difference?


You're better off worrying about the gain range, leakage, and biasing network than the part number of the transistor you use.

Without knowing those characteristics on the original unit you liked the sound of, it's impossible to say. Although I don't think that different transistors in the same circuit when biased properly have an "enormous" sound difference, there is some difference. Whether or not you like that difference is something only your ears can tell you.

In any situation where you're chasing a particular sound, it's best to breadboard before building. There's no other reasonable way to find what you're looking for.


My main question is about the CV7003,

do you think that they will operate well on the mangler?

Do you suggest any simmilar PNP trannies?