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geeze louise...(new tc electronic)

Started by jtn191, January 09, 2013, 02:23:10 PM

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Just as I was feelin pretty good about boxing my vico vibe in a 1590a last night...

TC drops a looper in a 1590a.  :o And not the true bypass kind:


I have a flashback delay, and that has a no nonense looper built in to it, I'm guessing they just took that and put it in a standalone unit..

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


I will totally buy that. Exactly what I want in a looper---one freaking knob.


That is going to be VERY VERY popular!

Contract PCB designer



I want this very, very [edit: VERY] badly ...


yeah me too. This is exactly what I like to see from commercial companies...doing something most of us can't. so simple. This is enough to change my opinion on TC (which was "meh" before)
max advertised price: ~$125

I tried to use my friend's RC-30 one time. I consider myself fairly fast at learning that would not sink in...


I do wish it was in a 1590B size though.  I'm not a big fan of stepping on the 1590a sized boxes.

I'll still be buying one though  :)

Contract PCB designer


That is awesome. I love the wonky reverse and delay functions of my RC20XL and Boomerang (I also currently have an RC300, but I don't think that's sticking around), but something so small is amazing!

I wonder when it will be DIYable? ;)


Yep I have to see what he means by affordable but this needs to go on my 1590a board. Very nice TC.


If it comes in at $100, I'll bite. $125 will make me wait until someone sells a used one. I've actually never owned a looper, so I am not sure if I would use one. Seems cool though.
I saw your thread over at BYOC P-Watts. How do you use your loopers? Is it a live thing, or do you use them for song writing? I have never figured the real use for them. If I am writing, I simply open up Garage Band and record a track, then work on the other parts.


Do any of you guys have experience with loopers when playing with a drummer?

I sometimes have to re-tap my delays in so that my dotted 8ths are in time with the rest of the band. If I lay down a loop do I have to go back and change it if it gets out of time with the band?

I can solve all those problems with a computer and click tracks, but if I'm doing that, I could just add backing tracks with the other guitar parts defeating my need for a looper.


Quote from: patrickbrose on January 09, 2013, 05:11:05 PM
If it comes in at $100, I'll bite. $125 will make me wait until someone sells a used one. I've actually never owned a looper, so I am not sure if I would use one. Seems cool though.
I saw your thread over at BYOC P-Watts. How do you use your loopers? Is it a live thing, or do you use them for song writing? I have never figured the real use for them. If I am writing, I simply open up Garage Band and record a track, then work on the other parts.

Hey Patrick, I use a looper for a number of things:

- Live: for adding ambient reverse nonsense or a bit of a rhythm part
- Writing: helps me work on lead lines/solos and figure out accompaniment a bit
- Random noodling: I'll layer a ton of nonsense and see what happens, it's amazing how many songs ideas have come out of this

For me it's just a lot easier to turn on my amp and start jamming (my rig is setup all the time) than get the computer going and record, playback, etc. (though I do that too when I'm really in the thick of things).


1 word of caution, if this uses the same method of stopping and starting as my flashback loop function, i.e press once to start/start a new dub, press twice to stop etc.. it's a bit fiddly!!

I use  it when i am teaching guitar one on one, to lay down a little backing track etc..

there have been countless 'hang on/wait a minute' situations where it has played me up! i really want to try it though, i looks good!

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Quote from: hammerheadmusicman on January 09, 2013, 05:37:53 PM
1 word of caution, if this uses the same method of stopping and starting as my flashback loop function, i.e press once to start/start a new dub, press twice to stop etc.. it's a bit fiddly!!

I use  it when i am teaching guitar one on one, to lay down a little backing track etc..

there have been countless 'hang on/wait a minute' situations where it has played me up! i really want to try it though, i looks good!


Think I saw mention of $125 elsewhere.
Works at Lectric-FX


this is perfect for what I would need in a looper. particularly for laying down a simple 1 chord vamp or simple progression for me to wrap my head around unfamiliar chords. which is how I usually tend to use a looper. I would imagine the price is gonna be quite low if the retail value of the flashback is any indication. I would expect it to be $100 or less. I bet this will set a trend particularly among the chinese knock off brands.
tried lifting weights once....they were too heavy!