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sea urchin - houston we have delay! :)

Started by gtangas, January 02, 2013, 08:02:25 PM

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solved! I have a nice delay! yesssssss

So far no need to jumper the 3 and 4 pin.

when i was taking care of the bridge a small piece of solder attached to the board causing another bridge that i didn't notice... so no delay! AGAIN! F****

But checking again i saw that bitch and.... voila! "Houston we have delay"

the sound comes out with a bit of interference noises but i´m supposing that is from the fact of everything is out of the box... 

its a learn process i guess!

need some advice for a nice reverb... any advices?



I'd recommend anything using the new belton brick.

I sell the rub-a-dub but there are a few other projects rolling around.

Contract PCB designer


Quote from: gtangas on January 04, 2013, 01:06:28 AM

need some advice for a nice reverb... any advices?

The Rub-A-Dub is an extremely good and simple "brick" delay. I've built two now (one for me and one for a friend) and I really like it. Absolutely no noise - it's quieter than my amp's verb. It does have some issues handling larger input signals, though, so if you use a lot of boosts or loud overdrives in-line, or don't have an effects loop, you may get some op-amp distortion.

GrindCustoms and CultureJam have the Tenebrion coming out soon. It's three knobs, but it can do near-infinite dwell and supposedly cannot be overdriven. It looks and sounds quite good and I'm excited to build it.

MerlinB (on DIYSB) has two reverb projects, the Solstice and the Equinox, that use two PT2399s. This would give you a little more optional control over some parameters, and the Solstice in particular sounds really good. They're not difficult to build but they're a little more complicated overall than anything using the brick.


I went for the merlinb reverb.

From the samples I found on diystomp I have chosse the equinox....

Ad some trouble on the Pcb but it's done.... Noob issues lol

I sold my crate vintage club and bought the tubemeister 18 o doesn't have reverb.

I have to box it

It's a nice reverb.. It's a big Pcb compared with the Madbean stuff

Next project.... 1wt amp by chinchen. :-*


Hello to everyone on here!

I've been checking this forum out for quite some time now, but never actually posted anything. I figured I'd use this thread, since I have a similar problem as gtangas.
So I etched my own PCB (not all that clean as you can see in the photo), soldered everything and fired it up. All I got was clean signal, so I started debugging and saw that I must have a solder bridge somewhere, since my ground reads the same as battery. I found nothing, but I still have 8,4 V on ground with or without the ICs in the sockets. I tried jumping pins 3 and 4, and since then R7 is getting really hot, even without the jumper installed. I replaced R7, but it's still heating up badly. I wanted to post IC voltage readings, but can't for fear of burning something out.
So I turn to anyone that could help me, your help would be greatly appreciated, since I am no electronics wiz.

Also, I didn't have a 1n4001, so I used a 1n4007, R15 is a 4,7k, R11 and R17 are 22k and the jumper ic currently missing but the rest I think are as in the parts list.

So here are the links to the photos:

edit: could the reason for ground voltage be a malfunctioning capacitator?

Thanks again,


have you solved your problem?

my noob advice is to etch a new board! that one is very addicted to problems! :)

when i want to look for bridges i use a lamp behind the board that helps a lot.

what as the process of etching you use?


Hi everyone, I have a problem with this project.
When I switch on the power supply, the effect works properly, but when I switch off the power source and after few seconds switch on again, there is no delay effect but just the dry signal.
So i make a little short circuit in C2 and the effect starts to work.
I've tested the voltage of the L78L05. When the effect works properly, i read 9v input, 0v ground, 5v output. When the problem appears, i read 7v input, 0v ground, 5v output. Just a little short on c2 and the effect works properly with 9v input.
I've try to change the pt2399, the L78L05 and the power supply, I've also checked the tracks and the solders, but the problem still stays.
Any suggestion?



Put a jumper between pin 3 and 4 of the pt2399

Both are ground. My Last urchin did the same thing and it solved the issue

I read here in the forum that some guys install this jumper on every urchin build.

Report to us


thanks! i will try and than i let you know


I have just another question.
The part's list says to use a 7805; i've used a L78L05 (from taydaelec.). Is it the same thing?


The 78L05 is the right part.  The BOM is missing the L
Contract PCB designer


Iap I use the same regulator... No issues

You can buy the big one with the heat dissipador or the small one with the same shape as an tran

Pick a left over of a component, resistor, cap, and make a jumper between pin 3 and 4..... You will see that it solves the problem

Josh told me that and it works like a charm

Next delay you have to build is a multiplex... Urchin is nice.... Multiplex is OMG...

The board is a beautiful piece of art



Thanks gtangas and gtr2 for your answers and tips, problem solved! Yahoooooo!!!


Josh is the one to give thanks.... He teach me lol



Hey, thanks for your help, but I solved the problem a few days after I posted this thing. There was a bad solder causing the failure, the etch was ok
now it's boxed up together with a lpb1 circuit in front of it and it works really nicely :)