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P-19 Mudbunny (Number 2)

Started by pryde, December 25, 2012, 08:55:10 PM

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I recently built a P19 for a friend and really dug the circuit so I had to do another for myself  ;D

Built exactly to spec per the forum spreadsheet and Skreddy schematic. Sounds just awesome. As I said on the first build report this is a perfect muff variant for me as the gain is not extreme and the mids are dialed in perfectly. It really does deliver that David Gilmour- lead vibe for sure and makes an all-around good distortion pedal.

Of course I had to do a PF The Wall based theme again.


I really like this. There are so many muff variants, I'm glad you've found the right one for you! Nice graphic too!



I've actually done an overhaul of the spreadsheet of late to hopefully make it a little more understandable and turned it into a web page so people don't have to open it in office to view the notes.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Great build! I need to build a muff. What's the smashing pumpkin one? 
Nice spreadsheet too JS


Quote from: nzCdog on December 26, 2012, 08:11:34 PM
Great build! I need to build a muff. What's the smashing pumpkin one? 
Nice spreadsheet too JS

I think the Mayo might be the ticket for SP sounds although I could be wrong. I built the Mayo pcb and thought it sounded very good but preferred the p19 for my needs as it is a bit more tame.

Thanks again for the spreadsheet JS!


Of the Skreddy's I've built so far it goes from P-19 for being almost a distortion, to the Mayo for being a smooth Muff, to the ?Lady for being just this massive wall of muffness. All three are epic and well worth building. The ?Lady does have unobtainable transistors (why he stopped making it) so you'll never get it the same. But when we borrowed one to find out what was in it, the ones in the UltraStoner* are the transistor set we found that came as close as we could get.

*The Ultrastoner on the spreadsheet is just a ?Lady-a-like with a few tone tweaks to add in the mid pot. Allows massive scoopage to being almost flat (in the middle is something like stock).

Which reminds me that I must add the Mayonnaise to the sheet as I've got all the parts for that kicking around somewhere.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk