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Dinky Drive HELP??

Started by aaronishere, December 08, 2010, 06:37:06 AM

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Brian you're the man... It was defiantly the LED. Since I do my Switch wiring different than what you show in the Build sheets, I normally put a 2k2 on the LED separate from the PC board. Nothing abnormal, but the 4k7 worked and is what I will start using.

Also on the crackle not ok, on the other side of the input cap I took the one leg out of the board and turned it side ways. I went from that leg into a 500k pot back to the board where that leg used to be. Then where the wiring for the pot on the circuit board I jumped that straight to ground and boooommm, it worked. Took the crackle out, so simple and more effective. It gave me more gain and range!

I'll be emailing you tomorrow with another order. Thanks for everything buddy!


Yep, that's pretty much the "Crackle Not Okay" version...putting a series resistance before the gate of the mosfet.

I have yet to try this, but it's probably worth adding in the MOD section of the forum.


Yeah its great.... just put it on the MOD page, feel free to correct my terminology for the parts. Im not good at that stuff!


Okay, I completed MY dinky drive and am having the same problem. The transistors read 4.5v but i have very little output. With all the pots maxed out I am getting distorted signal at the same volume as the pedal bypassed. I am using the 2n5457 transistors.

Any ideas as to why it is so quiet?


Do you have an audio probe handy to trace trough the circuit?  That will help isolate the location of the problem.

Contract PCB designer