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JMK Custom Wah (Weener)

Started by jkokura, December 23, 2012, 02:56:30 AM

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Been a while since I posted a build report, and I finally got a name plate on this one, so it's up!

The weener is a wicked awesome build, especially if you dig cool axial parts. I got all the caps I need from Mouser, including the 4uF radial cap Bean recommends. I did have a few complications in the process, had to do some troubleshooting, but it came down to simply using the right pinouts and touching up some dodgy solder points. Anyway, it's all working.

Biggest tip - play with the actual gear and rack to find the sweet spot in the rotation of the pot. The trim pots weren't helping me, so I started to make adjustments with rack and gear and bam it got better.

I used the White Mammoth Enclosure and Blue tread (obviously) and I hope they've gotten on top of the issues I had. If you'll notice, the PCB doesn't sit straight in the enclosure. Also, I had to drill out a bunch of the holes because they weren't tapped correctly. But otherwise, it's pretty rad. Only thing I didn't do was use a DC jack, so there's an empty hole in the side. I wish they didn't drill that hole, but left is as an option. But Blake's a good guy, and I've given him my feedback about this.

Anyway, if you're looking for a wah, this is an awesome option. This one makes my fourth wah actually, and for a guy who never uses a wah except for experimenting for fun on my own, it's a bit weird. I have this one, a Vox I've owned forever that I've moded, a Stock Crybaby, and a rebuilt Boomerang now. I'll be doing a shootout vid soon.

Here it is.

Thanks Rej for hooking me up with a name plate.

And the Guts.

Hope you've enjoyed!

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Cool build, Jacob.  I like the clean white enclosure.

I keep meaning to build one of these.  Haven't gotten around to it yet.  Mainly because I've got a couple Wahs I don't use now.  But this one will be different (I think).
Function f(x)
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Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

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Ohhhh so slick!  Love the colours and that custom shop logo is dreamy ♥♥♥ 8)


looks awesome Jacob! I'd definitely watch a wah comparison video


cool, love the color choices!

Contract PCB designer



Looks beautiful. Appreciate the warning on the mammoth enclosures, i have been avoiding chinese enclosures for the reasons you mention. The boutique wahs  i have bought that used chinese enclosures were a liile flakey.


Quote from: joegagan on December 23, 2012, 02:30:11 PM
Looks beautiful. Appreciate the warning on the mammoth enclosures, i have been avoiding chinese enclosures for the reasons you mention. The boutique wahs  i have bought that used chinese enclosures were a liile flakey.

I wondered about those mammoth enclosures! It's probably best to just wait to find a cheap crybaby on craigslist...


Quote from: Stumptown on December 24, 2012, 07:23:13 AM
Quote from: joegagan on December 23, 2012, 02:30:11 PM
Looks beautiful. Appreciate the warning on the mammoth enclosures, i have been avoiding chinese enclosures for the reasons you mention. The boutique wahs  i have bought that used chinese enclosures were a liile flakey.

I wondered about those mammoth enclosures! It's probably best to just wait to find a cheap crybaby on craigslist...

Like I said, I'm pretty sure they're on top of any issues I experienced. I got one of the early editions. I've seen later ones in build reports and no mention of issues.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Beautiful inside and out! I really dig the uniformity of the board.

Care to elaborate on the cap and resistor values you ended up with? I built mine to Bean's specs and find it to be too bassy for me. It's been set aside but I think I'll open it up today and try to get it straightened out. It sounds great as is though but not especially suited for my taste.


what's your favorite wah so far?


Hmm. Hard question to answer. If I had to say, all and none. All meaning that they all sound good, like Wah's are supposed to, but none because I don't use any of them in any live context at all. Mind you, the kind of music I play isn't really geared for it, and because I sing very well I rarely get the lead guitar role where a wah would be used...

Long story short, all and none. I'll do a shootout and you can decide which you like best.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


good to know that the mammoth enclosures are improving. didn't mean to be harsh on chinese enclosures per se.

looking forward to the comparisons as well!


Looks fantastic Jacob.

My Weener I build I used a Mammoth enclosure. I was able to mount my PCB right though but I actually broke off a few screws due to the wrong tapping. Now I'm F@#@!##ed.

Blake said they are now tapped correctly as an FYI to others.