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DiY Skills pay off on the home front

Started by AllenM, December 20, 2012, 09:03:18 PM

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So I have this fancy ass French Door Bottom Freezer fridge my ex-wife just had to have when we were married and recently the thing broke down... the fancy control panel wigged out. Checked in with the local service company and they wanted X amount of money to check it out and X amount of money for the circuit board.. I asked if I could just buy the board and they said no. So I was looking at spending $300 to $500 dollars on this repair... so I went home and dragged my beer fridge indoors and started using it. So today I decide to google the issue and after some digging around I found a guy who had the same problem and was also a DiY'er and he created a nice PDF manual on how to fix the issue.. and the best part.. it is just two caps that need to be replaced on the circuit board and I will be up an running.. so for about $5 I will have my fancy fridge back running and my beer fridge will be back in the garage where it belongs!



Props to teh interwebz! Just be very careful opening up that appliance...  it ain't no pedal :o


Same thing for me when i bought my house. The wall oven responded to all key presses but the display didn't work. Turns out it was a single electrolytic cap that gets too much heat. $3 and a trip to radioshack and i saved myself hundreds.

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(Formerly roflcopter)


Might as well put in an effects loop while you have it opened up.   ;)



I've also used it ALOT at work with irrigation control.

Contract PCB designer


On a semi-related note, I've been wondering "what else can I build besides pedals?" Anybody build other useful electronic gadgets?


UPDATE - $3.33 later and 15 minutes of work and the fridge is up and running! One of the reasons this is such a big deal for me is I bought the over priced fridge for my wife cause we "had to have it" then right after the divorce it crapped out and has been mocking me ever since.. so this is a major victory for me on a personal level!! :)

And I can use the money I saved to build some more pedals!!!



Quote from: rowland1 on December 21, 2012, 02:37:33 AM
On a semi-related note, I've been wondering "what else can I build besides pedals?" Anybody build other useful electronic gadgets?

I want to build an audio tub amp but I better finish the guitar amp kit I've had for over two months first  :-[
Contract PCB designer


lol i also have a guitar kit. poor thing been sitting for a month in the garage begging for a coat of sanding sealer !
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !


Quote from: gtr2 on December 21, 2012, 02:48:43 AM
Quote from: rowland1 on December 21, 2012, 02:37:33 AM
On a semi-related note, I've been wondering "what else can I build besides pedals?" Anybody build other useful electronic gadgets?

I want to build an audio tub amp but I better finish the guitar amp kit I've had for over two months first  :-[

Arduino!!! Lots of cool projects.

I just inherited an old ampex stereo console from my grandpa. All tube. Its a future project. Need to do a lot of work. Full recap and more probably

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

(Formerly roflcopter)


I always enjoyed building a nice headphone amp here or there.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


figure out how to keep her happy and me still playing guitar. its as golden as a winning ticket at that point, win, win !!!!!
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !