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Favorite Effects You've Built in 2012?

Started by Effectsiation, December 06, 2012, 02:55:12 PM

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As the year is coming to a close, I figure now is a good time for us to reflect on our favorite builds of 2012.

Madbean: Low Rider
So I had this board since September of '11 and put off finishing it until recently, it's fantastic! I have an original POG, a Digitech WH-1, WH-2, XP-100, WH-4, and I have to say this pedal holds it own among them

JMK: Standard Fuzz
Having previously built a BYOC Leeds Fuzz (Univox Superfuzz clone), I wasn't sure I really needed to build this one, but after doing so I quickly realized that this pedal was the better fit for me than the Leeds. I'm a big Black Keys fan, and they supposedly used this one on different tracks throughout their whole career, its raw and harsh and I love it!

1776: 3PDT Boards
While not technically an effect, I started using these this year, and man does it make offboard wiring a breeze. I'm never going back!

Worst Failure of 2012:
I completely butchered a Dunlop JH-1 board that I ended up soldering and resoldering too many times. I think I lifted 4 traces on it. I might try to repair it at some point, but I've already put another pcb in the Wah chassis it was in.

Build I'm Most Looking Forward to in 2013:
My ultimate wah build, probably using a BYOC Wah PCB I have from a trade. For a long time I've been in search of the Swiss Army Knife of Wah pedals. I bought a Teese RMC-3, but alas that only features one inductor, and I'm looking for at least two of differing types (*cough* perhaps something to include in future Weener Wah builds *cough*)


Favorite mb build - triple flush tremolo, been wanting a dual speed Trem for years

Favourite jmk build - fuzzy muff, so many possibilities with such a simple circuit

Favourite 1776 build - multiplex, Favourite diy delay yet

Favourite Vero - heartthrob Trem sounds way better than I expected

Favourite other fab - Rej's chimera, really digging it

Biggest fail - having a Hipster make its way into the box of fail

2013 look forwards

Jmk boom wah build with yellow and red fasels

Mb the zero point delay series

Getting at least two of my own designs off the ground
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Dirtbag deluxe, no explaination needed

1776 multiplex because it's just very cool, 3 unique usable sounds in one and it went together so easily, best pt2399 unit I've tried so far. Plus points for making you work to get the best outta it too

1776 rub a dub just a really beautiful easy to make reverb, kicks the shit outta the eh holy grail which is the cheap DIY vs just buyin one pedal that it needs to beat to be worth better praise really

Lovetone ring stinger and doppelgänger just because I saved so much cash on the former, and did all the second one by my self and gave a project to the community, something I wouldn't have deemed possible a year ago.

Thanks to all the community, here and elsewhere that makes this all happen.


Favorites of 2012
-Boneyard: Just a great sounding pedal once I got the squeal killed.  
-Pork Barrell
-Current Lover

Not so much of 2012
-Uproar: I just never fell in love with it.
-Karoke Party: The circuit it's self sounds good,  I just failed horribly trying to design a pcb layout.

Looking forward 2013
- Dist+ from CJ:  Way back in 1980 my cousin cloned one for me.  this will be a  nostalgia build and I cant wait.
- Chimera:  Love the name and midwayfair sold me on building one with his video.
- Tube Screamer or Boiling Point
- Play guitar better

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


My Favorite Builds of 2012:
Afterlife Comp (first 1590a build)
Cave Dweller (3rd 1590a and 1st delay)
KLONe (Grind Customs Chimaera PCB)

Looking forward to building in 2013:
Sea Urchin w/ Taptation mod board.
1776 Multiplex Delay
Zero Point
Dirtbag Deluxe
APIS 1590a Klone (because I can't just build delays, and I want to do a mini Klon)
...maybe a tube amp (If I get enough time to study up before the year ends)


Pork Barrel--sounds great and really forced me to raise my game on wiring. I was having some buzzy ground noise, so I totally re-wired it with a gtr2 3PDT board.

Cosmopolitan--my first etched board, my first waterslide, and it was just a lot of fun selecting parts for this, especially a sweet BC108. JakeFuzz hooked me up with a superb NPN germanium as well.

Wolfshirt--I was just really happy with the PCB work and soldering!

I also learned tons from these on troubleshooting in general.

Looking forward to: Lowrider! Just getting started on it. Also, testing and boxing the CJ Plus Dist I recently populated. I'll also be boxing a Coldcraft Microbuffer (with Fuzz Friendly resistor values!) and the Fuzzball (Keeley Fuzzhead-esque) that I've tested and are good to go. I'm sure there will be more than this.

Thanks for a great year to everyone on the forum!


I built a hybrid AC/RC Booster that I got in last years PIF.  its great!  I essentially use the AC booster values, but 2x 914s + 1x BAT41 on one side versus 1x 914 and 2x BAT41s on the other.  It is a really great throaty drive that stacks well with my liquid sunshine.

I'm in the middle of building a FAT Pants, Sparkplug and Kingslayer that I am really excited for.


Man! So many cool builds... I'll have to go home and review my list now and see which qualifies. I think I've boxed 35 pedals so far this year, and I've built probably a dozen other circuits that aren't boxed yet...

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I can't even remember what I built  :-[ but here's what I remember.


I know I really loved the Weener wah with a whipple.

The multiplex was my most favorite and frustrating build(s)  Mainly a few prototype failures.


Looking forward to the zeropoint and to building a fuzz face I actually like.


Contract PCB designer


Fatpants Version 2, i literally use it all the time! I know it's a simple one, but it just makes my 61 relic strat sound superb!!

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Quote from: hammerheadmusicman on December 06, 2012, 06:20:28 PM
Fatpants Version 2, i literally use it all the time! I know it's a simple one, but it just makes my 61 relic strat sound superb!!


Yeah, that one was a close second for me too.  I think Brian should convince Fender to install it as stock on all their TBX loaded strats.  Makes them sound much better.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


My favorite builds this year were the Hotcake (jtn191's Flapjack) and the Multiplex, no question. A close second goes to my Op-Amp Muff, which currently needs its switch replaced (I think).

I had some firsts in 2012: first vero builds, and first reverse engineering.

My biggest "up yours" goes to the Dynacomp I built that refused to work for no discernible reason. I even had someone else look at it, and they couldn't figure it out either. Up yours, broken Dynacomp.

Next year, I'm excited to start learning more about how circuits actually work (I got a breadboard for my birthday!), build a Zero Point SDX, and start writing songs again.


Quote from: GermanCdn on December 06, 2012, 06:22:10 PM
Quote from: hammerheadmusicman on December 06, 2012, 06:20:28 PM
Fatpants Version 2, i literally use it all the time! I know it's a simple one, but it just makes my 61 relic strat sound superb!!


Yeah, that one was a close second for me too.  I think Brian should convince Fender to install it as stock on all their TBX loaded strats.  Makes them sound much better.

Like i said, i have a 61 relic, and i literally don't plug it in without the fatpants int he chain, the pedal has made me dislike the sound of my CS pickups haha

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


2012 favorites

collasulus- holy sheet this thing rules
low rider- this sounds sooooo cool with pepper spray or mayo
mkii with black glass oc140/cv7112's
weener whipple- best wah i've played
boneyard- still need to stick a buffer in mine to halt squeal but a great drive nonetheless
CJ's STM trem is nice

looking forward to in 2013

finish my dirtbag finally
wrap up my nautilus build
gonna build a couple of univibes
hopefully the stage fright spaceship
jkokura boiling pt
josh's multiplex
aquaboy deluxe
zero point


built a ton of stuff that I'll never use but didn't really have any true duds thankfully
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


Prolly may faves were the Sea Urchin and Lavache which my lovely wife painted. 
Great sounding and great looking,  and thats just my wife :P ;D