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amp kit 3- Italian kits

Started by djaaz, December 04, 2012, 10:39:10 PM

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I haven't seen anything cheaper and i really searched:

Their shipping prices are really decent as well.

Anyone out there have any experience with these guys?


Take care,we are discussing this in an Italian forum regarding fake caps and cheap trannies.
Sometimes you pay for premium tubes and you get lesser models or not matched,without a refund.

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I'd look into Ceriatone well before this outfit.

Ceriatone have a VERY good reputation, but this company is a complete unknown.
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- Terry Pratchett
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Actually Novarria is a good Tranny-maker. cheap. but if you know what you're buying you're good.
those kits are cheap in price because of their house transformers, and because of cheap parts.
i build many more amps than pedals, i would never use those caps and resistors, switches and wire and tube sockets and stuff. but that's a matter of preference. tranny and chassis are good.
if that's your first amp, that's ok. just make something very simple, so you can learn and control the expenses.


Having owned Italian cars in the past, I'm not sure I'd want an Italian amp kit. It's probably look amazing and sounds really good. Then you'll turn up the bass only to turn a completely unrelated light on and off, or it'll burst into flames...

Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


this is kinda racist man. we're not all con artist, we're not all incapable. most of us is good people.
ps. everyone craves for a Ferrari, or a Lamborghini

*this has no connection with those kits, i have no idea how good they are, i never tried one


I was just passing comment on Italian cars and their wiring... Which they're legendary for. Much like British cars for being totally unreliable.

Appologies if this caused offense. It was meant in jest (hence the winking smiley face).
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: juansolo on December 05, 2012, 08:51:08 PM
I was just passing comment on Italian cars and their wiring... Which they're legendary for. Much like British cars for being totally unreliable.

Appologies if this caused offense. It was meant in jest (hence the winking smiley face).
i'm italian but not offended at all,don't worry,i drive japanese cars anyway...
you always get what you pay for,the less you pay and bigger is the chance of getting crappy parts.
Italian doesn't mean bad quality per se,there are great quality amp and guitar builders actually in here.


i'm sorry, i didn't see the smiley. i'm very busy, i'm working even now, just checking the forum sometimes to take a break. my mind is full.
and then this thing where everyday north EU papers says bad shit about us, everybody would explode seeing something like that.
i'm sorry, it was my fault, i was rude.
though times for all of us in the Union


Quote from: alexradium on December 05, 2012, 09:34:59 PM
Quote from: juansolo on December 05, 2012, 08:51:08 PM
I was just passing comment on Italian cars and their wiring... Which they're legendary for. Much like British cars for being totally unreliable.

Appologies if this caused offense. It was meant in jest (hence the winking smiley face).
i'm italian but not offended at all,don't worry,i drive japanese cars anyway...
you always get what you pay for,the less you pay and bigger is the chance of getting crappy parts.
Italian doesn't mean bad quality per se,there are great quality amp and guitar builders actually in here.

The two cars that I have that work are German... The one that currently doesn't is British ;)
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: pietro_moog on December 05, 2012, 06:55:48 PM
Actually Novarria is a good Tranny-maker. cheap. but if you know what you're buying you're good.
those kits are cheap in price because of their house transformers, and because of cheap parts.
i build many more amps than pedals, i would never use those caps and resistors, switches and wire and tube sockets and stuff. but that's a matter of preference. tranny and chassis are good.
if that's your first amp, that's ok. just make something very simple, so you can learn and control the expenses.

That's good news. Most of the amp price is in the trannies anyway. I found good comment on a hifi amp builder french site about their trannies as well. I translate that as maybe not the best you can get but probably better than what you get in an average marshall or fender tube amp. I may be wrong but then at this price... Having a unreliable fender bassman will probably be the full & real back in time experience.

What i'm wondering is if they even bother to send or publish a layout for this price.


im sure Fender and Marshal have scowered the earth 3x over to save $0.0025 on parts. Look at the downhill ride in quality over the years.
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !


that's true, the new jtm45 models have a PCB which looks like it has pedal parts rather than amp parts