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Confused Cave Dweller

Started by studiodunn, November 29, 2012, 04:54:41 PM

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Cave Dweller
Checked pin 8 and 9 contacts and changed IC out twice

Seems my Cave Dweller build has decided it wants to also be a Boost/OD pedal.
The effect is way beyond unity and has some hair on it.
If I roll the guitar volume back slightly the growl subsides but the  level is still very high.

The effect was working as it should and I swapped out the hollow shaft pots for standard 16mm pots.
Can this be the cause? I've measured the pots and they are all within reason of each other, but there is an obvious correlation between new pots and angry Dweller.

So, before I swap pots again I am hoping there may be another potential area for this issue.

Pots returned to originals
All Solder joints checked
Dweller still Angry!


First guess would be to put your DMM across the leads of the pot to make sure it's 50 kB and not a mislabelled 500 kB (unlikely, but could happen). 

EDIT: I should really read the entire post before spouting off useless advice that's already been covered
Angry Dweller, I like that, put it in a box with a Double Flush....toilet humour abounds....
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Far from useless. This forum is amazingly helpfull and I appreciate any comments and the people who take the time to make them. Thanks.


I had the same issue. Fixed it after i found a bad solder joint of the top right pot on the pcb (with components facing you).


Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh, cant solve and that is way worst than not having a delay. Hell, I don't even use a delay but not being able to troubleshoot this problem is just annoying ;)


People are going to get sick of me saying this soon, but recently i changed to a new brand of flux, and i built up an ethched quasar pedal, boxed it up and it worked fine, and after 20 minutes or so, it started acting up. After a little time and a lot of swearing i noticed a lot of 'fluxy gunge' on the solder side of the board, so i got my IPA (isoprpyl alcohol i think) out and a toothbrush, and went to town on that badboy, problem solved!  There seems to be a lot of gunge on the back of that board, as my new brand is apparently conductive when it sets!?

You said you have checked the solder joints, have you reflowed the solder to the board end of the pot wires? also check on the pot end too..

Good luck

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Quote from: hammerheadmusicman on December 05, 2012, 01:46:17 AM
People are going to get sick of me saying this soon, but recently i changed to a new brand of flux, and i built up an ethched quasar pedal, boxed it up and it worked fine, and after 20 minutes or so, it started acting up. After a little time and a lot of swearing i noticed a lot of 'fluxy gunge' on the solder side of the board, so i got my IPA (isoprpyl alcohol i think) out and a toothbrush, and went to town on that badboy, problem solved!  There seems to be a lot of gunge on the back of that board, as my new brand is apparently conductive when it sets!?

You said you have checked the solder joints, have you reflowed the solder to the board end of the pot wires? also check on the pot end too..

Good luck


Thanks George. I must have the same solder because what you see in the pictures is post pick and brush removal. There were flux bridges all over it. That doesn't explain why the circuit worked out of the gate and developed the attitude, but such is electronics......... I guess I should break out the IPA and give it a douche. I have reflowed llot, but not all of the pot pads.
Thanks for prodding my next moves along.



Yeah, i find that a 'quick scrape' isn't sufficient for me any more, definitely the alcohol a scrub with a toothbrush - preferably not the one you use to clean your teeth ;)
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Quote from: hammerheadmusicman on December 05, 2012, 04:56:20 PM
Yeah, i find that a 'quick scrape' isn't sufficient for me any more, definitely the alcohol a scrub with a toothbrush - preferably not the one you use to clean your teeth ;)

Well, Completely reflowed, scrubbed, cussed at, coddled and still she be angry.

I think I'll just stick a SWTC2 on the end and call it finished.