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Culturejams Neptune delay

Started by DutchMF, November 18, 2012, 06:27:48 PM

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Had this board lying around fully populated for a while now and finally boxed it up! Loads of wires (man I love board-mounted pots!), a pretty good result anyway. If anything decided to malfunction between the rocking and the boxing, I'm skrewed, as this board is in there to stay! Enclosure-wise, I must have been drunk when I drilled it, because the switches don't line up, one of the knobs is slightly higher than the rest and the DC jack is crooked.... Only mod I did was replace R18 with a trimpot, to fine tune the rise rate of the LED. Anyway, first delay build and I must say I like it a lot! This will find a place on my board real soon!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Looks real good to me man, good job! I see the knobs off just a little, you need a little t-square to draw or score a little guide line.
Does R18 affect the audio or just the LED? I have.2 of these to build and will also implement the infinite repeats switch (search for dory deluxe for info).
Do you know of any changes that could be made to the repeats bend function like rise and fall time for example?
Sent via soup cans and string.


Mmmmm. Flat black. Is this really your first delay build? It was a pretty good first project! They're insanely fun to mess with once you really start digging into them. There are just so many different variables.

Quote from: Om_Audio on November 18, 2012, 07:00:05 PM
Does R18 affect the audio or just the LED? I have.2 of these to build and will also implement the infinite repeats switch (search for dory deluxe for info).
Do you know of any changes that could be made to the repeats bend function like rise and fall time for example?

The bend is controlled by how quickly the LED turns on and turns off. There is resistance on either side of it. The 5K pot does half of this job.

I'm not sure I understand your question about whether the audio is affected. The whole point of the bend circuitlet is to affec the audio. If you're asking whether any of the parts that control the pitch bend affect the audio circuit when the switch is disconnected (i.e., your foot isn't on it), the answer is no.


Quote from: midwayfair on November 18, 2012, 07:05:49 PM
The bend is controlled by how quickly the LED turns on and turns off. There is resistance on either side of it. The 5K pot does half of this job.

Thanks Jon, this is great news! I just took a look at the build doc and it answers a lot, I just hadn't really done my homework. I will look into putting the trimmer on an external pot and will see what C20 does as well, hopefully it controls the fall speed. If it does and depending on how it works in practice it might be interesting to figure out how to put a few cap options on a toggle or other switch. I'm really excited about this project.

Sorry to sidetrack your build report Dutch!

Sent via soup cans and string.


Im a fan of flat black I did a A/DA flanger and of course my Doppelganger in Flat black ;)
Also if my klon ever works thatll be flat black too.
Nice work all round.


Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Nice work! I have always thought that you're SUPPOSED to be drunk when drilling enclosures  ;D. You can't tell just looking at it, but I'm sure a little misalignment is all you can see after building it. Congrats on your first delay build!


I really like those black enclosure......looks simply sharp! 8)
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Finally building up my Neptune.  I hope this is the right thread for such inquiries.  

Is a particular intensity of LED required or more desirable?  I have a buttload of 3mm ones I got from an estate sale.  They're all pretty old and I haven't run across one yet that's particularly intense.  Also I have a few vactrols marked VTL5C1 9925.  Can one of those be used instead?

How much does using a a trimpot in place of R18 allow for tweaking of the LED onset?  What would be the optimal value for this trimmer?  50k?  Is it worth putting topside?  

I built a BYOC delay kit a few years back but this is the first time I built a delay more 'from scratch' and I appreciate any/all advice.  

Thanks in advance!


I thinking i used a 25k trimpot, but i would have to check... Be sure to search the forum before wiring/boxing, as there are a lot of tweaks you can make on this one... Im on my cell right now, as im away for work, but i'll get back to you as soon as i get home.

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Awesome, imma need a sound check sir! Hope to finish mine this week if my stomps come in.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.



Yet another fan of the satin black! Well done.


Thanks guys! I have to thank D-Day for ressurecting this one! This has been on my board ever since it was built, but I think there is a lot more to be had from it. Don't get me wrong, I like it as is, but I'm gonna tear it open and tweak it till it's perfect

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


I appreciate the advice!  I have to wait on a couple of parts so I'm going to dig around all the Neptune threads and see what shakes out  :)