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Cupcake problem - low output

Started by mlabbee, November 18, 2012, 05:28:05 PM

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I built the Cupcake. No part substitutions. 

When you engage the effect, you get a signal.  The volume knob takes the signal from zero to slightly under the un-effected signal (so at max, you get a slight volume drop). This is with the trimmer at max.  Turning the trimmer from min to max goes from zero volume to slightly below unity with the volume knob maxxed.  I do appear to be getting a little bit of compression, but it's kind of hard to tell, since it's a subtle effect to begin with and I appear to be pretty low in the operating range of the circuit.

I'll be double checking components and solder joints today, but any thoughts on where this kind of problem might most likely arise?


You've definitely got something wrong. Can you post your voltages and some pics of the board?

The trimmer will never be at max; it'll be somewhere around 2/3 of the way up. But when it's turned down the effect is extremely loud.


I figured it out - getting the board ready to take a picture, I noticed that I had blown out one of the solder pads when I had to change out a resistor (initially put in the wrong value), so R9 was not connected to C5.  Working now - thanks!  You got me to look at the other side of the board :-)

I should probably work on my soldering skills :-)