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Can MN3007 Fakes Work?

Started by Micpoc, November 09, 2012, 11:14:58 PM

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I just received two MN3007 from China that I purchased off of ebay. I was aware of the possibility of being fakes from various threads, but they were so cheap, it seemed worth a shot. They arrived MUCH quicker than I'd been led to expect (12 days) and looked almost brand new, with crisp lettering, which seems to be a sure sign of fakery.

Checked them both out in a Pork Barrel PCB and... they work. I can't detect any audible difference between them and the one I already had. So, I'm wondering: if these are "fakes" of some sort, then what are they actually? The pinouts must be the same, so they can't be 3207s, right? Is there an off-brand BBD that is a drop-in sub for the MN3007?


It's the MN3005 that there are tonnes of fakes knocking around for. You can get MN3007s still from places. Not sure about fakes of those, but they are probably out there I suppose.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


No, a fake wont work, they were produced for a longer period and in higher quantities so it's understandable it may look clean.

If it works, it's an MN3007, if it was a 3207 it would not work.

There IS a company that did do some reproductions, I think they were NTE? but a lot of there stuff was supposedly not very good from what I remember and I very much doubt they restamped that. Not even sure they did a 3007 repro.

Wanna check? Rub some acetone/nail polish on the writing and see if it comes off.
Works at Lectric-FX


Quote from: Scruffie on November 10, 2012, 01:16:07 AMWanna check? Rub some acetone/nail polish on the writing and see if it comes off.

Yikes; really? I'd think acetone would be bad for the entire IC surface, not just the ink if re-stamped. . . no?


Quote from: Grigori on November 10, 2012, 02:05:53 AM
Quote from: Scruffie on November 10, 2012, 01:16:07 AMWanna check? Rub some acetone/nail polish on the writing and see if it comes off.

Yikes; really? I'd think acetone would be bad for the entire IC surface, not just the ink if re-stamped. . . no?
Don't dunk it in it, just rub the top with a little on a cotton ear bud or something, it'll evaporate.

It's part of paint thinners, hence it'll remove fake markings, I don't think it's necesarry to test this but if you really suspect them, it's a way to test.

Or you could just post a photo.
Works at Lectric-FX


Well, they work, so I'm not going to worry about it for now. Guess I was just curious if there was some other off-brand, lower quality/voltage IC that could be a possible culprit. Thanks.

I read the title of this thread now and realize how stupid it sounds. :-[  The scenario in my head was, since there are fake MN3005s out there that DO delay, albeit at shorter rates, is there a similar situation for fake MN3007.


Quote from: Grigori on November 10, 2012, 01:24:18 PM
Well, they work, so I'm not going to worry about it for now. Guess I was just curious if there was some other off-brand, lower quality/voltage IC that could be a possible culprit. Thanks.

I read the title of this thread now and realize how stupid it sounds. :-[  The scenario in my head was, since there are fake MN3005s out there that DO delay, albeit at shorter rates, is there a similar situation for fake MN3007.
Well there are some pin for pin compatible MN chips with lower delays but now there really would be no benefit in rebranding those and in chorus something like an MN3009 wouldn't make tooo much difference, they were used in a few choruses back in the day, just slightly lower didelity from less stages.

Nah, we'd have heard of another maker, only Panasonic/Matsushita, the fake 3005s are rebranded 3008s cause the fakers know there is a huge demand for that longer delay, it doesn't really apply to 3007s.
Works at Lectric-FX