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Kingslayer - Electrolytic for C5, C11, C16 ?

Started by ringleader, November 04, 2012, 02:56:48 PM

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I have no 1uf poly film type caps for C5, C11 and C16. Can i use electrolytic instead?



I think you mean C9, not C5. C5 is 390n.

Short answer: yes.

C9 -negative side toward R12
C11 - negative side toward the other end of R12.
C16 - negative side toward lug3 of the Vol pot.


Great thanks!

Does this have any major influence on the sound?
By the way, im using two red LEDs for D8 and D9, does it matter which way around i put them in?



Maybe, but probably not in a significant way. I tend to use poly film in the signal path instead of electrolytic, but that is a personal preference.

For D8 and D9, it doesn't matter which way you put them in as long as you are consistent. So, if you put the long pin on the LED in the square pad of D8, then do the same for the square pad of D9. IOW, the LEDs need to be back to back, not both going in the same direction to ground.



So i fired it up and it sounds great! There's only one problem i encountered... When i have the Clip Switch in the middle position and the OD Switch on the right the sound starts to stutter, like a tremolo..
for D2 and D3 i used a 1n914 and D8 and D9 a red LED..

Do you know what may be wrong?