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Started by sambo, October 27, 2012, 07:25:46 AM

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Pedal control bits... Look quite interesting...



Hmmm... *strokes chin discerningly* Interesting!
You gonna get something?


I was looking at these awhile ago to see if I could build a custom small midi pedal for certain things- lots of detail here-
Sent via soup cans and string.


So I've been really analyzing this stuff, and what it seems to be is that this stuff is essentially plug and play DIY Midi control. This of course got me excited, because I've been looking for a way to replicate what the Musicomlab EFX switcher does but by DIY. I'm not experienced with programming or midi, or even relay bypass, but I know it's a doable thing.

So I emailed the Molten Voltage guys with some questions, and I've gotten some good feedback. Essentially, using the pieces of the Pedal Sync project, you can build a Midi switching system, either for rack or for pedalboard.

- The Relay Control Chips give you true bypass that's controlled by voltage, not by a mechanical switch.
- The 9 Switches Chip gives you midi control of up to 9 Relay based True Bypass loops, plus midi through for controlling the Midi functions of some pedals
- The Master Control Chip gives you control of 128 patches, one at a time, with also the option to pass Tap Tempo information on to your pedals using Midi.

Long story short, this is pretty rad, and it could be pretty useful. It's expensive to get into, but the other products out there are also expensive, so it's not surprising really.

So, long story short, what I'm truly looking for is to gauge some interest in a slightly different Master Control unit. Essentially, my own preferences would be to have several banks of 4 or 5 presets, rather than one preset at a time. However, in order for Molten Voltage to take on creating that product they have to know that it'd be financially viable.

So, how many of you, if given the option, would actively consider building using the Molten Voltage products if a Master Control Chip was developed that gave you banks of presets rather than scrolling up or down one preset at a time?

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I am still trying to rap my head around all the modules they make but if I am reading it right they would open up their business with a second master controller board like Jacob is talking about...

I would be looking for the following additional features..

(32) banks with (4) presets each. (4) patch input switches with LED status and a bank up and down inputs. 3 digit display that switches from Bank to Patch based on switch presses.

This along with the current modules would allow DiY and Custom built control systems for a majority of systems.

Most off the shelf control systems always come up just short on features and have no flexibility to customize them. It would be incredible to have the building blocks to design a system to fit the player!



Thanks for the great feedback Allen. I've passed that along. Does anyone else have some thoughts?

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Hey guys,

I did check into this, and actually understood the implications and possibilities, and then decided it's not for me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that this is one area where DIY is neither cheaper, easier, or more fun than stuff you can buy off the shelf. I will be following what you are achieving with this though, and do hope that you prove me wrong, because that would be sooooo cool! Good luck...

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Well... cheaper and easier than buying off the shelf is not a claim of most DIY stuff. Certainly when you calculate the hours spent, shipping and such, than DIY is rarely if ever going to be cheaper and easier.

More satisfying? Yes.

One of the issues is that all the switching loopers I've seen that I'm actually interested in are so expensive that DIYing my own is the only way I'm going to get just what I'm looking for at a price I can afford. That's why I'm trying to get feedback on this system that Molten voltage is producing.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I've looked at this stuff a few times and watched the video a few times, too. My conclusion is that figuring out how to use their stuff and put it together will require about the same effort as learning how to program a microcontroller anyway. Well, maybe a bit less, but I see actually learning how to code a much more valuable use of time.

I've had a PicKit2 and Arduino for almost a year and still haven't been able to do much besides blink a few LEDs. It's a VERY steep learning curve - for me at least. Much tougher than learning analog electronics and it makes EAGLE look like child's play, which is funny because I see kids making stuff with Arduinos all the time on the Net. Coding isn't something that I enjoy, so I'm sure that's why I haven't put a lot of serious effort into learning. However, I know enough that I see that once you get it, you GET it, and the possibilities are endless.

Any switching scheme is possible, saving presets is possible, syncing LFOs is possible. It's just getting over that hump of learning how to code. Once you get there, it's just a matter of ordering a few chips and making whatever you want.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


hey jacob,

I've been interested in this for a while, especially the 9 switches thing, but my biggest hestation is the fact that the system can only step through the presets, instead of stepping on one switch of a bank of 4 for example.  I'm looking for the DIY system that can change a bunch of parameters and bypass settings all in one stomp.

I figured out a while ago that this could be done just by adding something like the tech21 midi moose, but I would prefer to use the same switch bank.

If he was to make a 9 switches version where the switches for example, holding down switch 6 programmed everything to preset 6.  I would go for it.


check out if you want to build a voodoo labs gcx type midi switcher diy. I'm working on a midi controlled rack wah at the moment using there stuff. there programing language seems doable enough without too much homework. they have a pretty good forum going on too. sb carries all that molten voltage stuff.
tried lifting weights once....they were too heavy!


So after some more time to go over the Molten parts I can invision a complete pedal control system with the parts they have. But as Jacob has pointed put the Master Control modules needs some work to be guiter player (i.e. song/patch) friendly. The 9 switch module in combination with the relay bypass modules make it simple to configure a 9 loop bypass system or an 8 loop with tuner mute or a 6 loop with 2 amp controls and a tuner mute or... well any combination you can come up with. Also since they offer to buy the chips only you could create your own pcb and design/build a custom layout and the chips would already be programmed and ready to go.

I would be placing an order today if the Master Control had the options as I listed in my earlier post. I could actually see building and selling several small custom systems for some of my musician buddies. Hopefully Jacob can get the Molten guys to see the light and offer up a 2nd MAster Control with the needed Bank/Patch features.



Slow day at work.. and after some more reading up on the Molten modules I came up with this brainstorm!

Use the MV-56 / Four Pots Module + MV-59 / 4 Presets Module and I can make my custom WAH have 4 presets (or 128 with MIDI) instead of just the 2 I have now!!

I am starting to see some other projects.. Parallel Mixer with presets.. Super Delay with Presets...



I just finished up an alternate version of the Master Control (MV-58B) as well as a separate control chip (MV-65) that sends Bank UP and DOWN and has 8 separate Program buttons with LEDs for selecting the 8 programs in each of the 16 banks.  When combined with the 9 switches module, a relay controlled pedalboard that stores and recalls 128 programs is an easy build.  You don't have to use all 8 switches, you wil just be limited int he total number of programs - 16 banks x number of program switches  = total programs

Check out the vid if you want to see it in action (it shows up about halfway through) and let me know what you think.  Thanks!


Thanks for posting William!

I just wanted to note a special thanks to William (Molten Voltage) for working with us on this. At first glance, I saw that the Pedal Sync system had potential. With what Andrew has adjusted in the MV-58B version, we could easily see a custom bypass switch much like the $700 plus systems out there, but for much less.

Keep your eyes open on this one guys, I'm working towards utilizing this, and we may see something we can all use out of it shortly.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals