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Best practices for wiring/shielding and high gain pedals?

Started by GhostofJohnToad, October 22, 2012, 05:05:10 PM

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Just finished my first vero build this weekend, which was a triple wreck clone.  Got it working after a few snags and I am very happy with the sound of the build.  Haven't boxed it yet.  Problem is there is a ton of noise!  I understand this is a high gain pedal and some noise comes with the territory, but the noise I'm getting will render it non functional if I can't tame it. 

So my question is : what are some best practices for dealing with these noise issues? Here are a couple things I've thought of and maybe somebody can comment on effectiveness.

1) increase the input cap from 100 uF to something larger, 220uF or 470uF? These values specific to the TW clone.
2) Use shielded wire - I am a bit confused how this works without creating a ground loop.
3) Will wire gauge matter?
4) Are any caps better than others for noise - ie the audio grade ones I've seen?

Just trying to get some ideas of things to try.


once your circuit is in an enclosure, it should shield it from the majority of the noise.

1) shouldn't make any difference. 100uF is HUGE for an input cap, do you mean 100nF? 100nF is still pretty big. in any case, you may be able to put a small cap from the circuit input to ground to cut some hiss, maybe 47pF or so. I wouldn't do this until you've tried it first, you may find it unnecessary.

2) shielded wire has two connectors, one inner and one outer. ground the outer wire once, usually to the enclosure (sleeve of the input jack works well). depending if your layout will allow it, you could use shielded wire from the jack to the switch, and the switch to the circuit input, but i wouldn't bother shielding the output. it's after the gain stage so noise won't be amplified and the noise "signal" will be small compared to the guitar signal and therefore can be ignored.

3) shouldn't make any difference.

4) some people might say yes... i haven't noticed any difference between brands really.

in general, don't ground stuff more than necessary (ie only once). if possible, ground stuff to a single point. i usually use the input jack since they tend to have large solder lugs.


Good advice about the shielded cable.  I always assumed, wrongly I guess, that if something was after the gain stage that it had more susceptibility toward noise than the  inverse - the input.

So another question... could socketing trannys and diodes lead to noise issues? 


Hey, congrats on your first vero build.  Which layout did you use. I used the one on tagboard effects.

Im getting some noise when its connected to my testing rig but im hoping that it will be better once ive boxed it. I do notice that im getting some high pitched oscillation when im turning the volume way up.

Great pedal tho.


I built the one from the Sabro vero.  Although I don't have the boost enabled even though I built it.  Unfortunately it's the noisiest thing iv'e ever put together.