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Web-based schematic and PCB design tool

Started by midwayfair, October 22, 2012, 02:26:53 PM

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As posted by dodgechargerfan on BYOC.

Quote from: dodgechargerfanI just came across this and thought I'd share.

I haven't had a chance to give it a whirl yet, but watching the video demo is pretty encouraging.

Looks pretty good.

Also pretty neat that it has a social aspect, but I do wonder if the schematics are publicly posted, so keep that in mind.


If you join with a free account, all your schematics and designs are public. Paid memberships get private projects, the number depending on how much you pay.

One neat thing I read about this project is I think they are planning a fab service so you can order a board of any shared project. Didn't see any details on it, though.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Looks cool.

Although, I kept thinking, why the vias?  This is an easy single sided layout.  ;)


EDIT: After fooling with it for a bit it's pretty nice to use.  I found some of the things especially cool as they took some cues from apple.  One thing that was frustrating was the through hole stuff, but that's to be expected.  Also, to rotate components you have to back track to the arrow instead of a right click.
Contract PCB designer


@midwayfair, this is an amazing project. The free version is a great tool for students that are new to PCB design and layout. By sharing, they can easily look for similar projects created by other students and see the workaround of different problems that they may face. Addition of the manufacturing capability is an add-on. I really appreciate the effort and this could be a starting point for many new high-speed PCB designers, power PCB designers of high RF PCB designers. Thank you for sharing.

pcb assembly


The pcbs appear to be fabbed by OSH Park - the obvious purple and the orders are in multiples of 3. Not sure how the cost compares though.



Damn, those Autodesk folks are getting their foot in the door everywhere! Never thought my work and my hobby would be joined at the hip some day! Looks quite cool, and it's free (for now....).

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Quote from: electrosonic on March 11, 2014, 07:17:01 PM
The pcbs appear to be fabbed by OSH Park - the obvious purple and the orders are in multiples of 3. Not sure how the cost compares though.

Their prices for shared boards are a lot more than OSH Park, if my maths are correct. Three[url'] Tinusaur[/url] boards from 123D Circuits cost $14.01, where from OSH Park they cost $6.30.

I like the way you can (ostensibly) collaborate on a circuit and layout, and the forking/versioning system could be really helpful. I hope the audio effects community develops a critical mass on the platform. Intellectual property, and general inertia, might slow that or stop it, but it could be a cool thing once those are smoothed out.