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A/b switch with effects loop

Started by micahdunn, October 20, 2012, 03:07:41 AM

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So guys, looking for some info. I saw a video of a guy who built an ab switch with an effects loop. I am having to switch between acoustic and electrics when I plausibly I figured this would be a good build. Initially a true bypass looper with a b side. So I could run electric with drives through one part, and acoustic through the other, and run delays and reverbs and such through the loop so that they could be used with either. Any help would surly be appreciated.


If you are wanting to run both guitars to the same amp, it can be done with just a True bypass Input switcher without a loop, ie a switcher with two inputs, one output.

For Electric guitar:

Electric guitar->Overdrives->TB Switch Input A->TB Switch Output->Delays and Reverbs->Amp

For Acoustic guitar:

Acoustic guitar------------>TB Switch Input B->TB Switch Output->Delays and Reverbs->Amp

Basically you would think of your drive pedals as an extension of your electric guitar, and have them before the switcher. You would then run your Acoustic guitar directly to the other input of the switcher.

Now if you wanted to do the switcher AND have your Acoustic route to a DI box while your electric runs to an amp, you would need a loop.


Yeah, I want to run them separate. Just don't know how I would build that. I've built an ab switch, just had something to look at while I was doing it. Just don't know how complicated it is or how to do it.


I would try something like this. If you are just using normal switches for the loop jacks, you HAVE to have something plugged in or you will get no sound. If you want to use switching jacks, that would make it so your don't have to have a complete loop.

In the image I have Amp/overdrive listed as an output. But your're going to want to run your overdrives before the switcher so that they are before your delays.

If you wanted to use the in and out of your effect loop on your amp for the delays and reverbs you should be able to get away with replacing the guitar in and out with those. I'm not sure how an amp effects loop will take being switched away from though ??? For that matter, I'm not sure how an amp will like not having a guitar input signal when the acoustic guitar is selected. Help with that is better left to someone who understands that stuff more than I do.


Awesome, I'll try it out. What would it take to add leds for the two? Thanks so much for all the help. I really appreciate it.