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Crystal Blue Persuasion

Started by jubal81, October 10, 2012, 09:22:26 PM

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Big Breaking Bad fan here. When I saw the great montage in the finale I decided I had to have a tremolo. This is the MusicPcb Tap Tempo Tremolo. Great pedal. I highly recommend building one up.
This is my first try at using epoxy. It's a lot easier than I thought and I see using it a lot. Made a few mistakes, but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.

"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


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Hmmm, very well.
I'll get one of these.


Nice job! I like the little skull. Appropriate for the subject matter of the show ...

Quote from: icecycle66 on October 10, 2012, 10:00:36 PM
Hmmm, very well.
I'll get one of these.

LOL. It's an awesome pedal. I've built a LOT of tremolos and there's nothing that I've found to dislodge it from my gigging board -- just having a true sine wave in an optical trem is amazing on its own.


Awesome build.  Really coordinated well!

Contract PCB designer



Pretty awesome all around. What does the skull sound like?


Quote from: lincolnic on October 11, 2012, 03:46:24 AM
Pretty awesome all around. What does the skull sound like?

It's the random setting. Pretty crazy.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Brilliant looking build dude!

I've had a Tap-Tempo Tremolo PCB sat around for ages now; I really should build the sucker up!


Nice graphics.  They work well with the blue enclosure.

I haven't given the Tap Tempo a go, but I might have to.  It does full square wave stutter, right?
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Sweet knob choice too! Been thinking about a trem so I too will check this out. The epoxy does look good, I have to say.


Quote from: pickdropper on October 11, 2012, 01:11:18 PM
Nice graphics.  They work well with the blue enclosure.

I haven't given the Tap Tempo a go, but I might have to.  It does full square wave stutter, right?

Oh yeah, it does the full-on helicopter. It's become an always-on pedal. When I'm playing clean I like to put it on a subtle sine wave - adds a nice "breathing" life to it. However, you can get loads of effects, even getting it going so fast it sounds like some kind of spitting noise fuzz.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


I'll add that there are MULTIPLE stutter settings, but some are a little hard to find at first. One of the cooler stutters I've found is in triangle mode with the waveform knob at 3:00. It sounds crazy good on faster settings. It's like Morse code.

Edit: I see that this build doesn't have the wave form knob, though, so bear in mind that this one's only accessible to knob junkies.


Awesome build.  Great graphics and look.  I've got a Cusack Tap a Whirl and have never found anything to really beat it for me.  Trems with lots of versatility offer so many sounds to play with.  Congrats.


Being a big fan of Breaking Bad aswell, this is freaking sweet! ;D

I had a completely populated/functional board of these...never boxed it in the wait of finding inspiration for the layout..........and finally sold it..........what have i done here...... ::)
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