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Flatline 1590A (SMD content)

Started by Ettore_M, October 06, 2012, 07:20:10 PM

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Hi everyone!

That's my Flatine! (Not exactly mine, because it was built for a friend. ::) But the layout is mine!  ;))
I'm very proud of this build, as it was my first 1590A build! I had my little problems with fitting the PCB (you'll see it's cut in an odd shape), as I misdrilled the jacks, but it came out perfect!
The Flatline is a great compressor and my friend already used it successfully on rehearsals! So i'm pretty happy he liked it!

The finish was a pretty painful job, as I had to polish and clearcoat the box two times, and also the lettering was done by hand using my dremel's engraving tool! But in the end, I really like the result of a polished box and engraved letters and I'm going to use this finish again on next builds.

Here's the build photos (The day on them is wrong, as I forgot to set it right on the camera settings. They were shot yesterday 5/10/12...)! :

Hope you like it! :)


P.S. If you want me to upload the layout, just tell me so!  ;)
" I would first try what I call The American Approach, which is simply this: "If X is good, then 2X simply HAS TO BE twice as good."  ;D "
- Culturejam


SMD on etched board, that's is really cool! 8)

Flatline is really a cool comp, among my favorite, got couple other one in the work at the moment, but they'll need to be really good to put this one off the board. :)

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Quote from: GrindCustoms on October 06, 2012, 07:25:25 PM
SMD on etched board, that's is really cool! 8)

Flatline is really a cool comp, among my favorite, got couple other one in the work at the moment, but they'll need to be really good to put this one off the board. :)

Thanks, Rej! :D
They are indeed cool!  ;D They are pretty easy when you get used to working with them, but the fact that it is an etched board makes it more difficult to solder them perfectly straight! However, it works good enough for me at this moment!
" I would first try what I call The American Approach, which is simply this: "If X is good, then 2X simply HAS TO BE twice as good."  ;D "
- Culturejam


Very cool build, Hector.  I always like seeing SMD builds.  I agree, they are a lot of fun.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: pickdropper on October 06, 2012, 07:49:39 PM
Very cool build, Hector.  I always like seeing SMD builds.  I agree, they are a lot of fun.
Thanks, pickdropper! But I'm just a follower. You are a master of SMD!  ;) Seeing your SMD Sea urchin build
inspired me to get more involved with SMD! It was like professional (or better industrial!  ;D) pedal building!
So.. Thank you!  :)

" I would first try what I call The American Approach, which is simply this: "If X is good, then 2X simply HAS TO BE twice as good."  ;D "
- Culturejam