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"Pleki" a cheap boneyard

Started by papasaurus84, October 02, 2012, 10:34:43 AM

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Dear all,

I've posted this pedal in another room but i'd like to repost it here, because i have a little mods here and there.

Finally i have my plexi-like distortion for my main drive. i named it PLEKI(like a traditional song in my country that tell a story about a loyal dog). since i don't have any (worthed) amp, i need this pedal badly. luckily, there's a friend in my indonesian forum that guiding me to build this pedal. this pedal is plastic-shielded finish, with a crayon painting by my 4 years daughter. Final finish by me of course.

The mods i do is i replace the R5 and C5 to 100R and 1U. the result is, the gain is waaaay down low. i use a 500k pots for a hi gain knob. i only need a gain and boost switch so i omit the crunch switch. i can get the crunch from the volume pot of my guitar.

as an adding info, really, you have to keep your wiring VERY clean and tidy. my experience is, the 500 k pots got a wheenie oscillating sound when i don't use the heatshrink. and, the 50k boost volume that i forgot to shield it (:P), it have a wheenie even in low turning.

here's the pict:

and here's the sound:
thousand dollars pedal and DIY is a GAS. the diffrence is the voltage: plus and minus. :D



Cool enclosure finish, I like the crayon!


I like the crayon artwork too. I visited Indonesia, and I am not surprised to find there is a pedal-building forum there. People there seem to really love music, and I found they are more willing to experiment in music than in some of the other Southeast Asian countries. I recently read on BBC about a radio program called "Berisik" and I would love to listen to it if I could understand the language better!


Quote from: Bret608 on October 09, 2012, 08:44:06 PM
I like the crayon artwork too. I visited Indonesia, and I am not surprised to find there is a pedal-building forum there. People there seem to really love music, and I found they are more willing to experiment in music than in some of the other Southeast Asian countries. I recently read on BBC about a radio program called "Berisik" and I would love to listen to it if I could understand the language better!

Thanks guys...
Yes, we have so many talented musician, luthier, pedal builder, etc. we almost do everything in a limitations. political, economical, and humanity rights issue, etc. but yes, we are the artists. we enjoy our times making everything. glad to hear your appreciation to our works. and honestly, so sad that our government is not as appreciative as you, friends.
thanks once again... :)
thousand dollars pedal and DIY is a GAS. the diffrence is the voltage: plus and minus. :D